Monday, December 27, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Weave Sown In

Chronicle Underground - Balance 2010 - Deborah Goldstern

Underground Chronicle Balance 2010
Deborah Goldstern

This year we recognize that our service was not as constant and deep as in other times, due to particular situations that had to bring evil who writes.

Despite these fluctuations, continued to establish Underground Chronicle as one of the most conveners regarding these issues, which reached its highest point in the interview boiling dedicated to Anselm Pi Rambla, perhaps one of the highest moments from the creation of the blog.

Next year we look forward to providing more news and interviews of excellence that will help pave the way for the two decisive years we come. Without going into the apocalyptic hysteria, we are sure that something is brewing, and where the neglected early history of our continent has a part to play.

invited again to remember some of the stories this year, with the most prominent figures, and they chose our site to provide his voice.

Chronicle in February 2011 Groundwater back again with news, and lots of information. The best thing for the reader!

Longato Renato. Exclusive Interview

Fernando Gabriel Maida - De Profundis

Anselm Pi Rambla. Subterranean tunnels beneath the Andes

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Programming Pansonic Plasma Remote

The Inca Chinkana - Exclusive Document - Deborah Goldstern

Inca Chinkana
The Exclusive Document
Deborah Goldstern ©

As everyone knows, Chronicle Underground fundamental premise is to deliver the other side of the story, especially taking the example of the American case, often referenced in the blog. Over time we try to provide information on the past the South American continent, through little heard voices and forgotten book on the subject.

This effort cemented the site as a single space, which allows to gain confidence in those who are identified with the proposal. That's why the document is now going to present the exclusive, and which advance is striking is the result of this work in which we believe, and enabling continued on track.

few months ago we published an interview that caught the attention not only the quality and personality of the figure called, but the message conveyed at the time, talk about Anselm Pi Rambla . Entitled subterranean tunnels beneath the Andes , this report marked a before and after the goal of Chronic Underground, starting a friendship, which I am proud today with this amazing researcher and scholar who writes for one of the best the world.

Thanks to this link, this unique and exclusive document finally sees the light after almost four years of sleeping in the shadows, providing vital information about Chinkana of Cuzco and the true role of the Church Catholic in the issue.

As additional data added that this material was transferred to our friend Anselm Pi Rambla, the "historian Ronald Camala Valenzuela that research in the library of the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) found a document of the Dominicans in Cusco that supports the existence of Chinkana." Translation

archival records: "is a document by which a religious man who was dedicated to finding the" treasure of the Inka "in the parish of San Cristobal asks permission to the prior and convent of religious Santo Domingo you can access the "chingana that is in the convent and into her search for these treasures, in exchange for the pledges to donate to the convent half of everything you can find. In this offering, the religious give permission to allow access by that "chingana". "

Cusco Regional Archive.
Background: Attorney. Escribano
seventeenth century: Francisco Ruiz Negron.
Protocol. 291.
Years: 1642-1643.

[f.2] In addition, Concert and guaca donation. The teacher Alonso Fernandez de Belasco to the Convent of Santo Domingo this city.

In the city of Cuzco of Peru in twenty-eight days of the month of January, mill and seios year and forty-two years. puvo am writing before me and witnesses, while in the convent of Santo Domingo city seems Desta dha Father Fray Xacinto Arias Montano, prior and vicar dho provincial convent, the teacher Brother Joseph Ortiz, Fray Diego Gonzales, his prior, Fray Diego Gonzales Aguero, teacher, Fernando de Vera, presented and letor of Perim (sic) Fray Diego Palomino, general preacher, Fray Miguel de Guinea, Fray Diego Dexia, Fray Antonio de Llano, Fray Miguel de la Torre, Franco de Luque Brother, Brother Juo de Espinosa, Fray Nicolas Davila, Juo of Tordoya Brother, Brother Leonardo Nieto. All professed friars dho convent declared to be the major pte ay in and being together, meeting at the chapter house this EFET calls for a toll of the bell tolled as usual have to discuss and confer about matters concerning service God, our Lord. Looking for utility dho convto and being well together prior pe dho proposed them and they were known as the master constava Alonso Fernandez de Belasco, priest, landlord of the parish priest of San Xpoval Desta dha city is digging in the dha parish to discover the treasure [f.2v] the Inka to the coast for the qual request prior to dho father is given dho permición and teacher qualification to enter the chingana dho leaving the convent in which aviendose got the treasure dho half of what is remaining in the treasury dho be for this dho convent who this at the point in its outline through the custom quale dho father prior to all treated and conferring relixiosos DHOS serca suso what dho each and each particularly if it should aser suso pro dho dho and usefulness of the convent and all of a unanimous agreement and in accordance nemine disendo (sic) part aviendolo conbenido understood and they said that it davan permición and faculty and gave the teacher dho Alonso Fernandez de Velasco so you can enter the dha dho chingana to dig the needful people treasure their coast and is referred to and the quality and assessment that stated in this scripture of whom is vnder she consented. And while Pressta herein contained to the dho escriptura maestro Alonso Fernandez de Velasco accept it as it is contained and the Pressta granted that forced and forced to treasure that God giveth and sucrose by dha chingana that out dho convent on anyone of its outline drawn or reduction in claims, costs, and costs half of the remnant of dho treasure to be for the sake dho convent and haze will grant grace and that the right flame with [ f.3] alive and parties present to the terms and firmness necessar for validation of the dha dho half of the treasure that will stay less write-offs, costs and expenses as dho is who in the dho alle convent or outline. And it gives power to take possession with clause constituent and give real and what both parties ansi meet each one so it's up and coming force their people and rents aver avid and accomplished and empowered the justices and judges that its causes may lawfully and Devan qualesquier Conoz of parts that are subjected to whose jurisdiction and gave his and the law that says quel deve act to follow the jurisdiction of the defendant so that what is dho I urge you as a competent judge ruling last difinitiva a thing and resigned Judging from laws, privileges and duties of his favor and that prohive in qual witness gave him and signed their names on the stamp paper trail b-[¨ f.3v] quale zero to give me the notary I know faith, witnessing Juan Bautista Nieto, Francisco Díaz and Juan de Llanos, Pressta dha and residents in this city. Ints will: and it came: OK. Fr

Jacintho Arias Montano The Mro Aloo Belasco Fz Prior and vico

pl (...) Follow signatures.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reverse Acrylic Nail Application

Tiahuanaco - The Sphinx of the Andes - Part I - Deborah Fabian Goldstern

The Sphinx of the Andes -
Part I
Deborah Goldstern ©

Puerta del Sol A demolished. What happened in Tiahuanaco?

from Chronic Underground
When we emphasize the value of the central Andes and ancient civilizations, not only by cultivating a whim, but because we believe that from this continent they originated some of the most archaic primitive cultures the world, but dismiss the current history.

One of the most important evidence in the ruins of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Built at 4,000 meters, known as the Andean city is one of the most important puzzles in the Andean network, which since its discovery continues to cause all sorts of speculation. Suffice it to say that when the English arrived in these lands, Tiahuanaco was already extinct. Locals told of incredible stories, disconcerting because of its implications, noting that it history dating back to the beginning of the world, eventually becoming a legendary place. Who writes

Tiahuanaco is one of the key moments in my life before and after, so enormous influence over the years and have had my current search. In my three visits to the Andes, whenever I went to meet him, and every new tour, I learned more about its mysteries, some of which are under study. Tiahuanaco is the great book of an unknown past, and deep inside advancement, stand its true secrets. There will be time to talk.

In this first installment, I want to share some of the material I collected during my visit last January, exclusive to readers of the blog.

A picture is worth a thousand words ...

Kalassaya-Ni complex in Europe will get ...

Mole La Puerta del Sol a single stone block.

Ponce Monolith's extraordinary - Ancient civilization?

Kon Tiki, the bearded monk. What is the relationship between Tiahuanaco and Easter Island?

La Cruz Andina. Nothing new under the sun, I mean by Christianity. Thousands of years ago.

One of the strange heads locked in the Semi-subterraneo Temple. Humanoid "lost and n Tiahuanaco?


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Which Best Cigna Hmo Or Ppo?

Polosecki - The Other Side - Deborah Goldstern

Fabian "El Otro Lado" Deborah Goldstern

few days ago, sixteen years after the death of Fabian Polosecki. For those who somehow have a passion for journalism, Polosecki figure represented a turning point, and started a new way of approaching reality, although imitated, it is difficult to match.

In today's television, and even with the explosion of information that invades our everyday life is impossible to recreate a proposal as "The Other Side" in 1993 could be seen by the Argentine channel ATC screens. Remembering

scenes emblematic of that program, you can not stop thinking about the immediate identification transmitted by the stories told, where the main protagonist was the interviewee, unique and unrepeatable way to approach the other in the world as I say, imposed rhythms voids increasingly pressing, as well as the cultivation of a fierce individualism, which only has the look of each.

The early departure of Fabian Polosecki the result of an inexplicable suicide, foretells less friendly times to come, and darker in its conception.

From Chronicle Underground, we provide our small tribute in this new anniversary of his tragic death, and we call on to future generations not to forget Polo, shooting star but still present.


The Other Side of Cops and Robbers