Deborah Goldstern

Robert Charroux
History rescued today for Underground Chronicle readers, refers to the ever mysterious Atlantis, whose road map have been following for some time. On this occasion we will be offering story originates in an oral collected by the French researcher Robert Charroux .
The Frenchman included these visions about the lost continent in two of his works, "Books of the Owners of the World" (1967), and then later on "Our Ancestors Aliens" (1971). The scenario of our party takes place in Greece, and is led by a former diving, Christos Mavrothalassitis, who Charroux passes along to its findings on African soil and in other places visited in subsequent raids, following the footsteps of Atlantis.
Desgracidamente Charroux published material about this case is supplied only to the oral version, as there is no documentation or photographs to support it. Beyond these caveats, we find fascinating though the description given by the Greek navigator, and that is why we believe it is important publication.
As always, the reader has the last word.

The strange Christos Mavrothalassitis (p. 259-263)
Henry believed in Homer and Schliemann discovered Troy. Christos Mavrothalassitis believed in what he said his father, sailing the Mediterranean, and today has one of the finest collections of Etruscan pottery dating back to 3,000 years and more, and Atlantean coins before the Flood.
may even have discovered that the old Poseidonis.
In 1922, the father of Christos, coasting sailing Biban sea, south of the Gulf of Gabes, stopped the brig of 280 tons and had a long discussion with the men on board, scuba like him. Christos
was then twelve years. He heard his father speak of Plato, an underwater city that was discovered with SCUBA precisely in the vertical vessel.
The old sailor said with emphasis:
- Here is where Poseidonis!
For twenty years, Christos sailed the Mediterranean, which is to say that it knows best, and at all times, its curiosity alert to everything that was going was related to the fabu-loso continent described by Plato. In 1947, he found an ancient document representing the island of Djerba embedded in the land of Africa, though surrounded by a channel that would be lost in the desert. Christos
recalled his father's assertion that Djerba was the end of the road leading from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, then closed sea side of the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar). Finally, the wonderful chance to put Henry Schliemann on the track of Atlantis and its currency oricálquíca be reproduced exactly with the archaeologist in Djerba.
One day an old hermit Berber befriended him and showed him where the cemetery was "the first ancestors of our race." He was in Tripoli, the data were accurate, marked on a map, and Christos, after a night and a day-level navigation, reached the place.
found the marks described by the Berber and started digging in the sand. Two days later discovered a tomb where he found pottery similar to those of Tiahuanaco and the Schliemann collection. But besides pottery, found objects Christos mu-cho value: coins unknown white metal.
was returning to the miracle of Troy as Christos Mavrothalassitís, designated by mysterious fate, had become the successor of Henry Schliemann and his spiritual heir.
oricalco Coins
Knowing the hermit Berber the lucky result of the expe-dition, and after he had received his share of coins and pottery made other revelations and indicated the location of new graves and Atlantean temples.
Meanwhile, Christos had gathered enough information to revive the antediluvian history of the Mediterranean. Despite his friendship with us, could not reveal the whole secret that binds him to the hermit in the desert.
However, we know that the cemetery is located in Tripolitania Atlantean. That's where Christos discovered pottery and white metal parts, all of which are currently safe in a bank in Marseille.
But also conducted successful excavations at Benghazi, Egypt and even in Djerba. We
documents held in Marseille have given me some confidence.
"For example, I know that after the flood waters of the Mediterranean-neo jumped 41.30 m. I know the layout of the Atlantic sea route, through Africa, linking the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. Has the geographical map of Atlantis and that map is from the time Atlantis!
We asked our friend with great astonishment: - Do you mean that it has written records of 12,000 years ago? Christos said head with a knowing wink: "I saw those documents: oricalco my pieces.
And it's true! These rare pieces, unique documents are authentic engravings depicting scenes from the life of the Atlan-ing, in some ways the history of the ancient world.
His prolonged stay in the sands of the desert has worn-graph in a way, but are not oxidized. However, the relief has been dropped and only show the details using the Magnifier.
Helena and the space shuttle Atlantis
One of these parts representing the horses and is well known that these animals were revered by the Atlanteans and their latest super-living, the Celts. On one of the horseshoe-shaped pieces, can be clearly distinguished from the animal's head, with the flanges and the bite, which shakes all our knowledge.
In others, our friend Christos Fantastic identified drawings related to atomic energy and space conquest.
One piece, discovered in Djerba by his granddaughter Helena, on the front represents a real rocket with nose flared base and provided with a kind of radar. The reverse-obstacle inhabitants distinguishes a cosmonaut with two antennas. Inside the cabin is spatially can be clearly drawn, the head-space traveler is. Christos Mavrothalassitis
As is preparing a book on Atlantis through the images left by the Atlanteans, we can not reveal the topic, but it is indisputable that the archaeologist Djerba French CEs appears to have cleared up a mystery.
His white metal parts, steel, and the ex-cellent there is reason to believe that this is the Atlantean oricalco tell the story of a civilization that, at least, knew the horse, flanges, snack and devices identical to our rockets.
This civilization developed into a vast country located in the Atlantic, between Africa, Europe and America.
Certainly our friend Christos has been mistaken in his interpretation, but may also present evidence that uniquely supports his thesis. A piece that plays geographical image of Atlantis, is made from two metals: one white representative Tando the sea, in a red copper, for the continent. Strange, very ex-tran.
classic French archaeologists are not interested by the findings of Christos, the Germans, by contrast, pressure him to sell them his valuable collection, as Americans insist near Emile Fradin to sell them, their weight in gold, more valuable collections of the Museum of Glozel.
We lost the treasure of Troy ... How long will resist Christos patriotism Mavrothalassitis and Emile Fradin?
Treasure of Atlantis is located in Marseille, in a safe place.
could be a wonderful exhibition, but our friend Christos afraid, despite having risked his life a hundred times to form his collection.
Fear of being stolen, that dishonor his good name, maybe they kill you. ..
And this fear that gripped Sanchoniathon, Henry Schliemann, Schliemann Paul Emile Fradin, in short, all the great dis-Bridoré is fully justified: we must avoid at all costs to make public the historical truth man.
And they have been killed million men, do have burned tons of manuscripts, parchment scraped hectares ... How valuable is a man's life when he becomes a local troublemaker, someone who keeps dancing in a circle? . .
Nevertheless, Christos Mavrothalassitís preparing his book, like Paul Schliemann was preparing the publication of his discoveries.

Secrets of Christos Mavrothalassitis (p. 38-41)
Our friend Christos Mavrothalassitis echoes strange traditions that are still underway in Greece. The Greeks in an indeterminate time, but certainly very old sm cut stone with the "liquid fire" which was supposed to be an acid.
Ampurias The ancient city on the Gulf of Rosas, La Escala (Spain) have been built by the Greeks with the help of this fire. In Symi, Dodecanese small town, a farmer found one day a small vessel containing a liquid, judging by the noise received at his mtenor to shake. From this testimony was still in Greece ... otherwise we are reduced to guesswork.
The farmer had no doubt break the glass, because there was a fantastic explosion. The rash was never found or broken or whole, and the place where the accident occurred, a large cavern was formed which brought forth a geyser, which disappeared some time later. Also in Symi, around 1911 or 1912, a pastor ventured into a previously unknown underground. He saw a golden crown placed on a grave, surrounded by a kind of iron grate. All around were skeletons. The pastor, unsure, the doctor told the adventure of the island, which made up the lattice of iron, but fearing a trap, was careful not to touch the golden crown. Having done digging the grave, discovered two batteries of clay, which gave no current, but that once electrified the crown.
Reading? Never know, but true Christos Mavrothalassitis gives the incredible adventure we've stopped counting.
was in 1919. My father, who owned a fishing business undersea sponges, worked in the Greek islands with his partner, Zalakhos. I was very young, but he accompanied them on their expeditions. One day we came to a deserted island that has an edge with many rows of granite into the sea appear as if once something had fallen from heaven that had blown the rocks. Zalakhos dove on the north side, turned south and returned terrified to the boat. Gabriel told my father, there is fire under the sea, and when you play a sponge the sand burns your hand up. If you tap it with your foot feels like an invisible flame. There's like some underwater radiation. My father was intrigued and dove carrying their fishing net sponges and reached the place where Zalakhos had seen the submarine fire. When he came up, I saw that he carried in his network, some sponges, a large piece of iridescent metal, which sometimes seemed dark blue, light blue other (1).
In 1926 my father returned to the capital for the Gironde consult the doctor who had treated him five years earlier. Indeed, after the drama that took the lives of Zalakhos, my father had deformed fingers, swollen at the joints. You must have touched something that has burned and it was louder than the radio, "said the doctor. This doctor, if I remember correctly, was a professor fromage. When he emerged from the consultation that I had accompanied my father told me: I know! North of the island there is a jar made of this metal blue, which really is not metal or glass. But I do not know what else might be. Long ago that men had to work this material, but how? Zalakhos was right to say that soil out radiation, and are the hands that suffer most because they are not protected as the rest of the leather and rubber diving suit. This is the story that befell my father, "concludes Christos. and tells his wife, a young girl: "Is not it so, M'Barka? M'Barka bin Nasser, a Bedouin wonderful eyes of fire, carrying in her thin silhouette grace and nobility of the true daughters of the desert, agrees, adding: Yes, maybe even said it was oricalco Atlantic. Perhaps, "said Christos, enigmatic. In any event, this year or next year things will go groping around the island, with a probe. I know exactly the point. The jars that are at the bottom of the sea, alone, worth a fortune.
Christos Atlantis Mavrothalassitis (p. 150-152) Christos
Mavrothalassitis, former diving, believes he has discovered Atlantis. As Professor Galanopoulos, places in the Mediterranean in the east, and the Atlantic for their most important mainland. His testimony is not without value, since it is derived almost exclusively from findings and discoveries made in the course of his life as a diver.
We play excerpts of the book interesting preparing on the issue.
Doctor said my father one of his scuba was, in fact, a former doctor, historians do their job and we do ours. I've been diving on the fortified city, submerged for thousands and years, hoping that it would take evidence and you h read ancient authors. This city is built in the heart of Bank Greco, 3 ° northeast of the front at the border between Libya and Tunisia and thirty miles thirty-five as Sussi Habib) from the coast.
"I'm not able to do so, Captain - said the doctor.
This city, "continued my father (who speaks Christos) - was found before us for my father and other Greek sailors: Searis, the Paraskevas, the Dandacos, the Zath and Vlakhakis. I was eighteen years old when I first saw it. I was co Paraskevas, a century ago they took from there a statue of gold. We are with you, sir, "said another two diving. One was Theodore Mailer and the other an Indian named Habib His yes. This city is on a rocky plateau that was once an island. Having depth is around, I think that this is an artificial island. Very near here, on a submerged hill, whose contour is artificially excavated, there is still active geyser under water.
There are eighteen fathoms and the strength of its warm waters rises to the surface. Below we probe indicates twenty-four fathoms, another geyser springs something further south. The most amazing thing is that water from these sources were already covered by the former and led to the city by a system of channels that can still be seen. There are four hills on the ban-co, and on two other channels are also ... "" With regard to the eruption of Santorini, Christos said that the disaster occurred at the time of the Greeks intended to invade the kingdom of Minos. The towns of Saranda and Mira were submerged.
My father says these CH - has been the columns of temples, theaters and other SCUBA also saw statues, even n standing on columns. But it was not Atlantis, which sank when the Earth did n collision with the planet Mars-Baal, who was the planet Mars.
Two visionaries, Ayed and old Suffian I have confirmed it. Our Earth exploded at certain points, and Ares poured on it the sand and fire. I have not had the right to speak before reaching the age of eighteen, but later discovered a tomb Atlantean using Suffian's granddaughter. He kept the body of a seer of the city of Mau, which was the capital of Atlantis, and seer had been buried with the evidence of this knowledge. I save them. This seer had Atlantean symbolic objects. Opal, six sapphires are revealed their age-sents years, and tablets of stone and metal conte-nian predictions relating to the great men who were later born: Homer, Pherecydes, Archimedes, Alexander the Great, Napoleon , etc. Feureseo called. In the center of his tombstone was engraved with a rose. Four notches indicating their rank in the army, as originally predicted real American (North), the mysterious flower that gives power. I know this flower, but I have no right to say or her name or whereabouts. In the tomb were also twelve messages from Atlantis and the appointment of a mountain, with a treasure, on which a cat was drawn. Between the legs of the cat is a cave in which the treasure ... But these documents. When found the cave, another cycle will ensue, but I never could tell where the mountain with the cat print. Maybe someone knows. It is difficult to pick out, in stories that may Christos, the archaeological truths that belong and the "prophecy" that has brought the mysterious Suffian. His revelations will like much to those who are interested in the occult.
(l) The metal or material has not been identified. For practical purposes, Remember that to navigate the high seas, even when the sun was not visible, something common in the North Sea, the Vikings used the sun stone "that gave the star position. It has been discovered that this rock was the cordierite glass ranging from yellow to dark blue when the alignment of their molecules, such as iridescent fabrics, makes a 900 angle with the plane of polarization of sunlight (Science et Avenir, September 67). The metal was found by Mavrothalassitis perhaps a variety of cordierite.
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