in full "Júcar War" (Castilla-La Mancha intends to maintain control over the insulating Júcar Júcar of other rivers and territories with which it is connected to maintain a majority in number and territorial people. In this endeavor is essential to deny that the Albufera and therefore the city of Valencia is connected to the Júcar and is part of the watershed of the river, while irrigators in Valencia Castilla La Mancha accuse of wanting to make a new Júcar plan), Engineering and Society Foundation has addressed the issue of the River Basin District with the Head of Planning Watershed , Francisco Javier Ferrer, who has set out its ideas on the sustainability of water in this river.
For Ferrer, "It is urgent to rationalize water use, 80 percent of the water of the river is being used today for agriculture. The Jucar has a serious problem in irrigation efficiency in agriculture in the area and sustainability of groundwater, which are not eternal. We are required to reduce the demand for water of the river in 96 Júcar hectometres a year between 2009 and 2015 "
The situation of the Demarcation Guadiana River basin, which is experiencing a good water year, as reservoirs of Guadiana currently stand at 88% capacity and store water hectometres 7594 compared to July 4000 low of 2009, was explained by Jose Martinez, Technical Director of the Guadiana River Demarcation, who defended the need for dams in the basin "a funny thing happens when they go to build dams are answered by a part of society, it seems that nobody wanted, but when they are in use are in high demand, all of society benefits from their use and even just acknowledging its benefits environmentally friendly. "
Summer Course in Foundation Engineering and Society was a panel discussion on" Media against water problem. " Manuel Buitrago (ABC-La Verdad de Murcia) , accused the major political parties are using the water to make a marketing score "I have 15 years writing about water. When a reporter from Murcia will be a press conference is hoping that, first, ask when it will be a transfer. The mandate of the Minister Cristina Narbona meant turning in the treatment of water problems. Carbona broke with a culture which had many decades of life, dependency of the transfers. At the root of all conflicts and confrontations generated by his performance, we found that water equals votes. In Murcia, Catalonia, Aragon and Castilla La Mancha, after discussion of the water is really a struggle for votes. The PSOE assumed that Murcia will not lift his head to repeal the Ebro. Manuel Buitrago
For there is only one way out: "The government of Spain should clearly say if you bet on crops irrigated or rainfed. If you want to end it say irrigation and society to decide. "
Arturo Larena (Agencia EFE) National Award for Environmental Journalism strongly criticized the inability of the various governments to develop a management plan for Spain, "The last Water Plan came into force in 2001 and was repealed in 2004. We have decades without a new water plan really working. And Spain is the most arid country of the European Union. If you know of data as that cities consume only 14 percent of industrial water and 6 percent, it is necessary that institutions work to regulate and rationalize water allocation. In Spain we have gone from consuming 30 liters per capita per day to 200 liters per capita per day "Arturo Larena
coincided with Manuel Buitrago to note" Water is a weapon in the hands of politicians, "
Among its findings, Larena said" Everything indicates that the average temperature will rise, and that rainfall patterns will change. We need to have a water plan to take this situation and make a forecast for the future, adapting our needs and possibilities, rationalizing water consumption and distribution. Do not forget that the water problem is historic, sometimes by droughts, floods and sometimes, it must provide for the future. "
In the course of the day Thursday, "Status of water governance in Spain in view of the WFD, participants engineers know firsthand the situation of wetlands in Castilla La Mancha . Visit the National Park Las Tablas de Coldstream, expanding the treatment plant Villarrubia de los Ojos, know the environment Molemocho mill and in the afternoon visit the Cueva de Medrano (prison of Cervantes) in Argamasilla de Alba and the "swamp" of Peñarroya and its castle.
The situation of the Demarcation Guadiana River basin, which is experiencing a good water year, as reservoirs of Guadiana currently stand at 88% capacity and store water hectometres 7594 compared to July 4000 low of 2009, was explained by Jose Martinez, Technical Director of the Guadiana River Demarcation, who defended the need for dams in the basin "a funny thing happens when they go to build dams are answered by a part of society, it seems that nobody wanted, but when they are in use are in high demand, all of society benefits from their use and even just acknowledging its benefits environmentally friendly. "
Summer Course in Foundation Engineering and Society was a panel discussion on" Media against water problem. " Manuel Buitrago (ABC-La Verdad de Murcia) , accused the major political parties are using the water to make a marketing score "I have 15 years writing about water. When a reporter from Murcia will be a press conference is hoping that, first, ask when it will be a transfer. The mandate of the Minister Cristina Narbona meant turning in the treatment of water problems. Carbona broke with a culture which had many decades of life, dependency of the transfers. At the root of all conflicts and confrontations generated by his performance, we found that water equals votes. In Murcia, Catalonia, Aragon and Castilla La Mancha, after discussion of the water is really a struggle for votes. The PSOE assumed that Murcia will not lift his head to repeal the Ebro. Manuel Buitrago
For there is only one way out: "The government of Spain should clearly say if you bet on crops irrigated or rainfed. If you want to end it say irrigation and society to decide. "
Arturo Larena (Agencia EFE) National Award for Environmental Journalism strongly criticized the inability of the various governments to develop a management plan for Spain, "The last Water Plan came into force in 2001 and was repealed in 2004. We have decades without a new water plan really working. And Spain is the most arid country of the European Union. If you know of data as that cities consume only 14 percent of industrial water and 6 percent, it is necessary that institutions work to regulate and rationalize water allocation. In Spain we have gone from consuming 30 liters per capita per day to 200 liters per capita per day "Arturo Larena
coincided with Manuel Buitrago to note" Water is a weapon in the hands of politicians, "
Among its findings, Larena said" Everything indicates that the average temperature will rise, and that rainfall patterns will change. We need to have a water plan to take this situation and make a forecast for the future, adapting our needs and possibilities, rationalizing water consumption and distribution. Do not forget that the water problem is historic, sometimes by droughts, floods and sometimes, it must provide for the future. "
In the course of the day Thursday, "Status of water governance in Spain in view of the WFD, participants engineers know firsthand the situation of wetlands in Castilla La Mancha . Visit the National Park Las Tablas de Coldstream, expanding the treatment plant Villarrubia de los Ojos, know the environment Molemocho mill and in the afternoon visit the Cueva de Medrano (prison of Cervantes) in Argamasilla de Alba and the "swamp" of Peñarroya and its castle.
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