Control System on Earth
Deborah Goldstern

Who has followed so far Chronicle Underground, know of our compliance to the actions of a mysterious organization, whose traces have been following for some time.
Baptized by us as Unknown Superiors, their activities are mainly aimed at interference almost always silent in human evolution, although at times, and if circumstances warrant, are visible in some particular cases, staging a performance in the Most cases it is still disconcerting.
If we look at the menu of the blog, find authors like David Tansley , Jean Robin, William Bramley , Jacques Bergier, Fabio Zerpa as well as our colleague and friend Guillermo Giménez, who with through their papers provided guidance on these enigmatic dark emissaries.
Within this agenda of control, we can mention Ashtar Sheran which we published an article recently. Of course we would be complete hypocrites if we did not acknowledge to Jacques Valley as one of the main precursors the topic was opened in his masterful "Passport to Mago nia" work to which we owe an urgent review.
Many times in the treatment of extraterrestrial matter enunciate our suspicions about the assumptions people space, which some suppose from time to arrive at our latitudes. Of course, when we run the paradigm star, and talk of a control system based on the land where part of the UFO phenomenon responds to it, it becomes difficult for the majority of the public believe that our planet is owned by someone or something " that not only manipulates consciousness, but to delay our progress.
However it is less true that to understand why the secrecy about past civilizations, which some evidence can be traced back beyond the flood, and the systematic destruction of information that we have been denouncing, and have a common pattern which appears related to these Unknown Superiors, the functions which also have land guards, it is necessary to resort to the occult, so often mentioned in our work.
By entering into old records can be esoteric understanding the nature of our "drivers" or "masters of the world" for expressing a term indeed misquoted by those dedicated to the "big conspiracy", which generally fail to decipher the real heads that are currently driving our threads.
Certainly not only the Earth is under the influence of these enigmatic "almighty", but the rest of our solar system also falls under his influence, which brings into question once again the alien vision, because as we come saying the problem is much larger.
examine these two passages under the watchful eye of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky .
Secret Doctrine II - Archaic Symbolism Universal

"The Origin of the War in Heaven and the Fall is, in our opinion, inevitably sought in India, and at a time perhaps more remote than the Puranic stories say about the particular . For the Târakâmaya was of a later age and in almost every Cosmogony realize three different wars. The first war took place at the dawn of time, between the gods and the (A)-suras, and lasted a Divino222 year. On this occasion the deities were defeated by the Daityas, under the command of Castle. But later, due to an artifact of Vishnu, who came in asking help overcome the Gods, the latter defeated the Asuras. In the Vishnu Purana is no interval between two wars. However, according to the Secret Doctrine, a war takes place before the construction of the solar system other on Earth, when the "creation" of man, and a third war came at the end of the Fourth Race, between its adepts and the Fifth Race, that is, between the Initiates of the "Sacred Island" and the Sorcerers of Atlantis. "
Anthropogenesis - Secret Doctrine III

" Satan is the "anointed cherub" as always ... God created Satan the fairest and wisest of all creatures in this part of the universe and made Prince of the World and the Power of Air ... was he placed in an Eden that was well before the Eden of Genesis ... and a totally different character and more substantial, like the New Jerusalem. Thus, Satan, being perfect in wisdom and beauty, is not rule our land, but the entire solar system ... Certainly, we have not revealed any more angelic power nor even the same deity. Archangel Michael himself is quoted by Judas, as keeping to the Prince of Darkness the respect due to a superior, more evil than outside until God formally ordered deposition. "
believe are two key excerpts that shed much light on our problems. We mentioned the figure of Satan, so distorted by Christianity and celestial wars between the holders of our creation and which is shown as from the beginning of our life on earth, we were objects of intervention, which continues to spread to affirm today. However, this is a tepid sketch we hope to develop in the future. We say to make up for this leg should bind the White Brotherhood, another term in itself deformed and badly treated, who would be the counterpart and one of the objects of our search.
present if a more current account of the great boom of Hector Picco, also cited by Chronicle Underground, which includes a narrative rather than worrying about Unknown Superiors, displaying them in all their splendor.
Black Men in Argentina and the Bermuda Triangle.

The Extraordinary Case of Faruk Alem
eminent researcher, chemical engineer, a man who knows all the secrets of electricity, manufacturer of radionics and psychotronic devices and especially in short and prolific career, deep investigator and director in the shortlist UFO, Master Faruk (as many people grateful for his teaching recognizes it) man born in Tartagal (Province of Salta, Argentina), currently 58 years old, married, 2 children , pioneered the mass distribution of extraterrestrial triad: its "Road to Omega" was broadcast on Liberation Radio MF 8 Mendoza uninterruptedly for three years, at the time of his residence in that Andean province. Corno President of the Regional Cuyo Argentina Federation for the Study of Extraterrestrial Science (FAEC) during the period 1977-1980, organized in the city of Mendoza a major International Congress in December 1980, for his personal management first came to America the "pope of UFOs", Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek, accompanied by another very well known global research, Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo (Miami, USA), in those historical days of the unusual broadcast that began and ended in an unexpected way: ALEM Farouk opened the Congress, announced his retirement from the track ...
Seventeen years later, the written account of his own handwriting might explain this surprising attitude of one of the most notable experts and, above all, HONEST, Latin America:
... This happened between the years 1975/76, in the city of Mendoza, where I lived at that time.
By then, the undersigned investigating advanced concepts of biological energy and had managed to build five different models of Kirlian cameras to achieve energy manifestation of that photograph. After taking a thousand pictures of plants, insects, hands and feet of people, etc. I understood that to deepen the theory should work on a direct visualization system, regardless of the photograph inanimate. It was therefore necessary to use film or video, the first was a viable possibility, but wasteful, the second would be ideal, but the available technology country made it impossible, remember that at that time there was even color TV in Argentina.
But luck, for my good or my evil was momentarily on my side ... An old friend who had resided in the U.S., returning to our country brought a color TV through his stuff, and how it was useless because there was no color still broadcast on national TV (made just for the dissemination of Football World Championship since 1978) decided to be nice to me treats the huge machine. So far everything was perfect for my research plans, the distressing problem was that it had no color video camera and was impossible to get those years.
However, it was difficult to stop such a setback, especially being as I insist on proof of misfortunes: I managed to eventually build a kind of inter-phase generating color video without a camcorder. The experiences gave unexpected results: not only visualized the biological energy but "something more" that exceeded the limit of my understanding. Had kept totally secret of these investigations and no booking was for less: any theory that occurred to me to advertise in those years would discredit the seriousness with which it was conceptualized in my job as radio technician and an expert on electronic source of my financial income. I was already having serious economic problems for lack of work, I spent at that time to repair electrical instruments, and any comments of mine on my deep research results that were substantially damaged misunderstood my technical reputation and who were excellent in the middle. An unfortunate problem besets me familiarly my wife sick with allergic asthma, and aggravate health problems my precarious economy. But my woes did not end there, as a beloved animal, my beautiful cat dies under circumstances so strange that I invite reflection, d because these events were happening. There abandoned my research for several months, trying to survive in precarious jobs that barely managed to sustain us until a good day two service contracts that light a bit, economic darkness that was submerged in my life.
One night, after having served a day of hard work I prepare to return to my home, with about 22 o'clock PM. Join the bus to take me home, after paying my fare I stand, as was my custom, in the last seat near the door down, the vehicle was traveling nearly empty, there was only one passenger, who sat in the first seat, small talk with the driver, while I was immersed in thought, pondering the good fortune of getting more work ... The processor is stopped at the red light, just a machine in which is bent to the right, at that moment a clear voice: strong echoes in my ears:
- will you work? Then you talk to us ...
I'm not easily scared person, and my first thought was that someone was playing a joke by some electronic device, but quickly saw that the only voice I heard: there were no hidden sound system and my modificó.El nothing about transport resumed their march and, through the next corner slows down to stop at the next stop, at that moment I heard the voice again, saying:
-iBajá at this stop and talk!
seemed Rather than indicating an order. I joined a jump from my seat and pressed the bell down, the bus stopped and the road descended rapidly dimly lit by the light of mercury from the street. And there, before me, was the ... And he said in greeting:
"Hi, I was waiting, thanks for coming, I invite you over coffee at the bar near the corner ...
The voice that spoke was the same within the micro.
"I do not know, who are you? I asked, somewhat confused.
"Come, I'll explain everything on the coffee table ...
The tone I was reliable, we walked a few meters to the bar, where there were only three people as customers watched a TV program and discussed the details of the case they saw, a boy came out of the funds and went to our table with lazy walk, asking us to come that we would consume.
"Two coffees," ordered my chance "escort."
I nodded, while the employee is away to complete the order observed for the first time the features and dress of the individual. I had the feeling of being faced with an official from India's remote features of his face. His hair was jet black, slicked back with a gentle ripple, wearing both dark gray, white shirt, tie color fine bordeaux. There was nothing to boast some evil in this man smiling watching me showing very white teeth ...
I offered him a cigarette, he refused with a "do not smoke." Then I lit my cigarette and "organized" a mental question, before the make my lips, he replied: "I know
long ago, we monitor your research work in all the fields that you do, especially in your ultimate achievement of trying to visualize non-conventional energy ... You are very close to doing, and that is very worrying for us, because that would endanger the "Great Program" normal evolution of this civilization ...
I listened carefully, while stirring the sugar in my coffee, thinking, "this is the joke of a messianic madman who has been spying on my work ..." The man smiled and replied telepath boasting: "Nobody
knows your work, only U.S., plaster has given us some assurance to trust you, know that you do not pursue fame and glory, and all you do by the grace the ancestral curiosity you're gifted ...
When I finally decided to talk, I expressed:
"I'll make you three questions and wish you three answers for not wasting my time without understanding, the questions are these: Who are you? What's with the "great program, and what I have to do with all this" and "he" immediately replied: "We are
as a kind of guardian of mankind, we take care that all plans for Major Programme are compliments, and do not hesitate to intervene anywhere, anytime. We do not belong to any religion, religious or political ideology that is practiced in this world, but if we have influence we do it subtly, availing ourselves of them, using his power and dominion ... with respect to the major program, is something like what you call "destiny", but this concerns the whole of humanity on this planet and discusses the stages of evolution should play in the universal concert, the Major Programme I WE run, there is a program that is done Medium politicians and religions of this world, and then the small programs run by communities, cities and villages with its becoming routine. Major Programme are the facts that must be met at each stage, these are interrelated with the "medium", and then look for the perpetrators of the "small", typically all done in that order, except for those situations that "accidents" involving the correction of MP. Now, display your research and evidence of the existence of intelligent energies on other planes or dimensions are not programmed for this decade, the publication would create serious problems for correction of MP, can you imagine the reaction of major religions and governments technified in this situation? Even your physical safety could be endangered by the work of fanatics that are "willing to do anything to defend their beliefs ...
The man took a breath as he sipped coffee, without opening his penetrating look on my face as my brain filled out another question: if you are so powerful, why not me removed, while many people in as I disappear without a trace or are victims of unspeakable crimes that go unpunished then?
- You see, "he replied, again" read "my mind" We have the power to make and send you a warning, causing a disease in your wife mysteriously also eliminate your cat, and finally you create an economic problem restrict your movements and ability to continue in your endeavors. We did not go further because we can not, you are inserted in the major program, what happens is that you forward in time ... However, if we agree with you to leave such investigations for some twenty years, by which time mankind and be ready for these discoveries, that will pass unnoticed, as you can see in the future, then, if still want, will go on with your research ... I lit another cigarette, a cold atmosphere of silence enveloped us, I had the feeling that the weird guy was not lying, because there were other facts which also spoke, but as a precaution (he said) did not comment on whether they were successful. Finally I asked him:
- well, if I leave it, what happens me?
"Nothing," "I left calm and your existence will follow its normal course ...
"Well-accepted, and I hope I expressed in my work as a good time to emerge from my economic problems ...
-Wise decision is yours, and the rest depends only on your effort, we will no longer intervene ...
extended his hands gripping mine, as closing the deal.
then rose from his chair, called the waiter and paid consumption. After a slight weakness in his mouth smile said, "maybe another time we meet to discuss other events, but must pass few decades of your life ...
We left the cool night air, the man went to shake his hand into mine and said:
"Watch, we'll meet again ...
He turned, and ... disappeared from the sight of my eyes, after walking about five feet, perfectly lit by the street! At that time I have lived a hallucination, but looking into the bar I saw the two cups of coffee at the table where both will have been sitting ...
Today I remember that back in 1986, I learned that in Europe (more precisely in Germany) had already been recorded on video images of alleged faces of dead people appeared in the course of investigations. Some names of these items are: Spiricom and transcommunicators.
Times met, but no pain and no glory ... As "The" I predicted.
The Legend of Atlantis - The Beginning of the Gods Pt 4-5
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