Monday, December 27, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Weave Sown In

Chronicle Underground - Balance 2010 - Deborah Goldstern

Underground Chronicle Balance 2010
Deborah Goldstern

This year we recognize that our service was not as constant and deep as in other times, due to particular situations that had to bring evil who writes.

Despite these fluctuations, continued to establish Underground Chronicle as one of the most conveners regarding these issues, which reached its highest point in the interview boiling dedicated to Anselm Pi Rambla, perhaps one of the highest moments from the creation of the blog.

Next year we look forward to providing more news and interviews of excellence that will help pave the way for the two decisive years we come. Without going into the apocalyptic hysteria, we are sure that something is brewing, and where the neglected early history of our continent has a part to play.

invited again to remember some of the stories this year, with the most prominent figures, and they chose our site to provide his voice.

Chronicle in February 2011 Groundwater back again with news, and lots of information. The best thing for the reader!

Longato Renato. Exclusive Interview

Fernando Gabriel Maida - De Profundis

Anselm Pi Rambla. Subterranean tunnels beneath the Andes

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Programming Pansonic Plasma Remote

The Inca Chinkana - Exclusive Document - Deborah Goldstern

Inca Chinkana
The Exclusive Document
Deborah Goldstern ©

As everyone knows, Chronicle Underground fundamental premise is to deliver the other side of the story, especially taking the example of the American case, often referenced in the blog. Over time we try to provide information on the past the South American continent, through little heard voices and forgotten book on the subject.

This effort cemented the site as a single space, which allows to gain confidence in those who are identified with the proposal. That's why the document is now going to present the exclusive, and which advance is striking is the result of this work in which we believe, and enabling continued on track.

few months ago we published an interview that caught the attention not only the quality and personality of the figure called, but the message conveyed at the time, talk about Anselm Pi Rambla . Entitled subterranean tunnels beneath the Andes , this report marked a before and after the goal of Chronic Underground, starting a friendship, which I am proud today with this amazing researcher and scholar who writes for one of the best the world.

Thanks to this link, this unique and exclusive document finally sees the light after almost four years of sleeping in the shadows, providing vital information about Chinkana of Cuzco and the true role of the Church Catholic in the issue.

As additional data added that this material was transferred to our friend Anselm Pi Rambla, the "historian Ronald Camala Valenzuela that research in the library of the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) found a document of the Dominicans in Cusco that supports the existence of Chinkana." Translation

archival records: "is a document by which a religious man who was dedicated to finding the" treasure of the Inka "in the parish of San Cristobal asks permission to the prior and convent of religious Santo Domingo you can access the "chingana that is in the convent and into her search for these treasures, in exchange for the pledges to donate to the convent half of everything you can find. In this offering, the religious give permission to allow access by that "chingana". "

Cusco Regional Archive.
Background: Attorney. Escribano
seventeenth century: Francisco Ruiz Negron.
Protocol. 291.
Years: 1642-1643.

[f.2] In addition, Concert and guaca donation. The teacher Alonso Fernandez de Belasco to the Convent of Santo Domingo this city.

In the city of Cuzco of Peru in twenty-eight days of the month of January, mill and seios year and forty-two years. puvo am writing before me and witnesses, while in the convent of Santo Domingo city seems Desta dha Father Fray Xacinto Arias Montano, prior and vicar dho provincial convent, the teacher Brother Joseph Ortiz, Fray Diego Gonzales, his prior, Fray Diego Gonzales Aguero, teacher, Fernando de Vera, presented and letor of Perim (sic) Fray Diego Palomino, general preacher, Fray Miguel de Guinea, Fray Diego Dexia, Fray Antonio de Llano, Fray Miguel de la Torre, Franco de Luque Brother, Brother Juo de Espinosa, Fray Nicolas Davila, Juo of Tordoya Brother, Brother Leonardo Nieto. All professed friars dho convent declared to be the major pte ay in and being together, meeting at the chapter house this EFET calls for a toll of the bell tolled as usual have to discuss and confer about matters concerning service God, our Lord. Looking for utility dho convto and being well together prior pe dho proposed them and they were known as the master constava Alonso Fernandez de Belasco, priest, landlord of the parish priest of San Xpoval Desta dha city is digging in the dha parish to discover the treasure [f.2v] the Inka to the coast for the qual request prior to dho father is given dho permición and teacher qualification to enter the chingana dho leaving the convent in which aviendose got the treasure dho half of what is remaining in the treasury dho be for this dho convent who this at the point in its outline through the custom quale dho father prior to all treated and conferring relixiosos DHOS serca suso what dho each and each particularly if it should aser suso pro dho dho and usefulness of the convent and all of a unanimous agreement and in accordance nemine disendo (sic) part aviendolo conbenido understood and they said that it davan permición and faculty and gave the teacher dho Alonso Fernandez de Velasco so you can enter the dha dho chingana to dig the needful people treasure their coast and is referred to and the quality and assessment that stated in this scripture of whom is vnder she consented. And while Pressta herein contained to the dho escriptura maestro Alonso Fernandez de Velasco accept it as it is contained and the Pressta granted that forced and forced to treasure that God giveth and sucrose by dha chingana that out dho convent on anyone of its outline drawn or reduction in claims, costs, and costs half of the remnant of dho treasure to be for the sake dho convent and haze will grant grace and that the right flame with [ f.3] alive and parties present to the terms and firmness necessar for validation of the dha dho half of the treasure that will stay less write-offs, costs and expenses as dho is who in the dho alle convent or outline. And it gives power to take possession with clause constituent and give real and what both parties ansi meet each one so it's up and coming force their people and rents aver avid and accomplished and empowered the justices and judges that its causes may lawfully and Devan qualesquier Conoz of parts that are subjected to whose jurisdiction and gave his and the law that says quel deve act to follow the jurisdiction of the defendant so that what is dho I urge you as a competent judge ruling last difinitiva a thing and resigned Judging from laws, privileges and duties of his favor and that prohive in qual witness gave him and signed their names on the stamp paper trail b-[¨ f.3v] quale zero to give me the notary I know faith, witnessing Juan Bautista Nieto, Francisco Díaz and Juan de Llanos, Pressta dha and residents in this city. Ints will: and it came: OK. Fr

Jacintho Arias Montano The Mro Aloo Belasco Fz Prior and vico

pl (...) Follow signatures.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reverse Acrylic Nail Application

Tiahuanaco - The Sphinx of the Andes - Part I - Deborah Fabian Goldstern

The Sphinx of the Andes -
Part I
Deborah Goldstern ©

Puerta del Sol A demolished. What happened in Tiahuanaco?

from Chronic Underground
When we emphasize the value of the central Andes and ancient civilizations, not only by cultivating a whim, but because we believe that from this continent they originated some of the most archaic primitive cultures the world, but dismiss the current history.

One of the most important evidence in the ruins of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Built at 4,000 meters, known as the Andean city is one of the most important puzzles in the Andean network, which since its discovery continues to cause all sorts of speculation. Suffice it to say that when the English arrived in these lands, Tiahuanaco was already extinct. Locals told of incredible stories, disconcerting because of its implications, noting that it history dating back to the beginning of the world, eventually becoming a legendary place. Who writes

Tiahuanaco is one of the key moments in my life before and after, so enormous influence over the years and have had my current search. In my three visits to the Andes, whenever I went to meet him, and every new tour, I learned more about its mysteries, some of which are under study. Tiahuanaco is the great book of an unknown past, and deep inside advancement, stand its true secrets. There will be time to talk.

In this first installment, I want to share some of the material I collected during my visit last January, exclusive to readers of the blog.

A picture is worth a thousand words ...

Kalassaya-Ni complex in Europe will get ...

Mole La Puerta del Sol a single stone block.

Ponce Monolith's extraordinary - Ancient civilization?

Kon Tiki, the bearded monk. What is the relationship between Tiahuanaco and Easter Island?

La Cruz Andina. Nothing new under the sun, I mean by Christianity. Thousands of years ago.

One of the strange heads locked in the Semi-subterraneo Temple. Humanoid "lost and n Tiahuanaco?


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Which Best Cigna Hmo Or Ppo?

Polosecki - The Other Side - Deborah Goldstern

Fabian "El Otro Lado" Deborah Goldstern

few days ago, sixteen years after the death of Fabian Polosecki. For those who somehow have a passion for journalism, Polosecki figure represented a turning point, and started a new way of approaching reality, although imitated, it is difficult to match.

In today's television, and even with the explosion of information that invades our everyday life is impossible to recreate a proposal as "The Other Side" in 1993 could be seen by the Argentine channel ATC screens. Remembering

scenes emblematic of that program, you can not stop thinking about the immediate identification transmitted by the stories told, where the main protagonist was the interviewee, unique and unrepeatable way to approach the other in the world as I say, imposed rhythms voids increasingly pressing, as well as the cultivation of a fierce individualism, which only has the look of each.

The early departure of Fabian Polosecki the result of an inexplicable suicide, foretells less friendly times to come, and darker in its conception.

From Chronicle Underground, we provide our small tribute in this new anniversary of his tragic death, and we call on to future generations not to forget Polo, shooting star but still present.


The Other Side of Cops and Robbers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Which Compounds Have Weakest Interactions

Ricardo Gonzalez - Search the Underworld - Deborah Goldstern

Ricardo González

Underworld Finder Exclusive Interview - Deborah Goldstern ©

Ricardo Gonzalez at Chichen Itza

today's interview we present in exclusive character has as main protagonist Ricardo Gonzalez.

Although it is the first time we address in depth, the thought of this extraordinary Peruvian researcher, his name is not unknown to followers of Chronic Underground, and that more than one occasion, referring some of his work.

During these years the figure of Ricardo Gonzalez was growing internationally, and today is one of the scholars most required by the media and perhaps the most cited, when trying to elucidate the mysteries of the underworld.

Who writes this is an old settlement of outstanding debt, going back to my beginnings with the study of Cueva de los Tayos. With

Over the years, what began as a concern and mutual exchange in terms of the enigma of enigmas, was transformed over time into a long-standing friendship, which continues to consolidate.

Prolific writer, tireless traveler, despite his youth, Ricardo Gonzalez, showing unusual maturity and humility and simplicity rarely seen in this medium.

A premise of Chronic Underground, is to hear all voices, especially divergent. We believe the only way to move forward on this thorny path, not always clear, and we repeat no one has the absolute truth. May or may not agree with some findings of Ricardo Gonzalez, but it is impossible to ignore!

Attend the reader!

Many of those interviewed in Chronic Underground share a common pattern, where a UFO early experience paved the way later. In your personal case, this line seems to follow the same path. How were those early approaches to phenomenology ufo?

Like many people in the world, I witnessed UFO sightings at first did not understand. I was very young. Then I had only seen "lights in the night sky walkers Chosica, on the outskirts of Lima. But in 1988, when he was 14 years old, my experience was quite different: a concrete object as a sort of glowing sphere, and in broad daylight, he moved silently toward the ocean while I watched, amazed from the patio of my house Maranga. I was very impressed. Then, the Lima press mention a "wave" of UFO sightings. Ie, was not alone. So it all started. Although I had to wait five years to achieve the first mental contact with "them." It was in 1993. And since then I have had experiences.

I know that sounds incredible, but this was not only mental messages and UFO sightings. Later I had the chance to see, physically, to the crew, noting that look like us, except the very tall, could easily blend into the crowd that goes in a hurry any city on Earth. They do not come with bad intentions. Just watch us and seem to expect something important happening in the world and in our evolution, a development that could positively affect the way of "them."

When it comes to contact alien, your name is connected as one of the most relevant. But to speak today of communication with intelligences from other worlds, repulsion, and still not accepted. The official position despite the apparent openness of recent years continues to be very rigid in terms of accepting the possibility of an interaction with these entities. Say the world stage on the UFO issue remains silent, as to the true nature of the phenomenon "Coincidís ?

My experience is, of course, a half of testimony in many cases worldwide. For example, in Peru, had evidence of close encounters from the 60's in the middle of the Andes of Ancash, well documented and witnessed, and later sightings scheduled with journalists and into the early 70's. Speaking at the time of contact with beings from other worlds was crazy. And yet it remains a subject irritating to the skeptics, at present have little evidence or evidence to show that "something" is watching.

There is even evidence of "high" that makes him, as military pilots, scientists or even astronauts. For example, when I was in the U.S. last September, saw stunned CNN in a news conference several former fighter pilots in the U.S., saying point blank that unidentified flying objects had been "neutralized" nuclear silos in North America and UK. The military claimed that these objects were not human, and that corresponded to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. I think it's just a matter of time an official statement about UFOs that will perplex more than one, because, although in many cases these are beings from other worlds, other realities we face an "interdimensional" rather than physics.

From the beginning, your research is oriented to the study of underworld. These concerns led you to make long journeys, to some of the most emblematic places, focusing especially in the Andean regions. What are the reasons that interest?

Like I said, it all started with the UFO phenomenon and alien contact me. But these beings from the stars in their messages, they suggested I investigate some parts of Peru that were considered sacred since ancient times. In the midst of that task I found the underworld. And I'm on that path. For many years I have dedicated my efforts to understand the enigma of the inner-, his message, and share them to the world.

the issue is often associated with the underworld intraterrestrial, something which I believe causes much confusion. For example, the hollow earth concept is a term used when trying to delve into these issues. What is your position?

According to what we have said inner-selves, whom we met on our expeditions to the underworld, the Hollow Earth does not exist as such, ie it is not a world "empty" with a inner sun and huge inputs at the poles. I have thoroughly investigated the subject, and I must say that there is much confusion, since the disputed photographs NASA's cases that show holes in the poles, the distorted and misunderstood American Flyer witness Richard Byrd. But the fact that there is no Hollow Earth, as speculated for centuries, does not mean they are not large underground facilities in the crust, which can reach up to 70 km thick in the mountainous areas of the continents, as the South American Andes. The Incas, for example, spoke of the Uku Pacha or "Underworld", and dealt with it in that inner realm that lies not only in the Andes, but in many parts of the world. In any case, the most disturbing is not the existence of these tunnels or galleries but who built them ...

One issue that I can not address, to discuss the issue underground, it's about the Cueva de los Tayos. I think one of the most knowledgeable people about their history, having to his credit with two important milestones. The first has to do with the expedition he led in 2002, reaching the depths of the mysterious decline adit. And a second gain, and I think perhaps more significant is the connection you established with Gerardo Peña Matheus, perhaps the last living link with the late Juan Moricz. What evoke memories of that experience?

is impossible to describe briefly what we lived there. It was a very special trip. And unlike other expeditions that go to the Cave to visit for a few hours, we had the chance to spend much time with the Shuar community and learn about their beliefs about the cave. Furthermore, in the underworld of Tayos, stayed three whole days exploring its tunnels and huge rooms. Moricz was not lying: there are walkways, beams, walls and rooms "artificial." But you have to enter the maze to see the main building, shown mostly in ruins.

But most important of the August issue of 2002, we witnessed some extraordinary phenomena in the Cave. Among them the appearance of a white light that accompanied the group and wielding intelligent behavior. The seven members of the expedition we saw, including a native Shuar, José Saantz. Preparation in the Ecuadoran army command not prepared to see "that." However, it is not everything. The most amazing thing was the visit of some small creatures, 1.20m tall, slightly larger head than the body, with dark eyes and silver skin and terra-cotta. They moved swiftly into the tunnels, avoiding direct contact with us. Looked timid and they resented the light if they were lit with lanterns. Apparently, they are nyctalops. Clearly noticed that they were harmless. Jivaro know them, call them "Sunki." Would be the guardians of the tunnels ...

The existence of these creatures in the background makes the alleged Metal Library would have seen Moricz and Goyen Aguado. Explain the true interest of scientists in attending the Tayos, including the group of biologists who went with Neil Armstrong to the cave in 1976. According to some sources that he uses to capture one of these living creatures, was a secret plan or the same issue Ecuadorian-British knew. Peña-Matheus, lawyer and close friend of Moricz in Guayaquil, I confirm some things. Among them, that Moricz had also seen these little beings of the Kingdom Underground, and thanks to them came to the "Taltos" and the metal library. The Sunki should play an important role in the world intraterrestrial income, since many indigenous cultures around the world depicted in rock art petroglyphs or near the entrances to these shrines that lie hidden beneath our feet.

Continuing Tayos. It is remarkable how much attention it is generating today. Recently Ecuador's Teleamazonas chain devoted a few weeks ago, an important segment, and there are countless expeditions and documentaries and articles that are pending Andean cave. But collecting some frustration at not being able to penetrate his true secret, soon to be forty-five years without resolution. What is your reading on the enigma Tayos?

The issue is because all the initiatives Tayos study, whether by television, or some independent research, are rushed and ill-conceived. To this we add that the Shuar community is more reluctant to turn down a stranger to the Cave or other similar access in the area they protect. If permitted, let alone see the first few meters of the tunnel. Sounds good to care entries. When the mystery of Tayos is need to raise awareness eventually be in time for "them" and not ours.

I think the enigma of the Cueva de los Tayos show that there were advanced civilizations in the world before Egypt, Sumer or India. And that the "mother culture" hid his knowledge files "Arcas underground" stationed at various places on the planet. La Cueva de los Tayos is just one of those "Arcas". I have explored other locations around the globe where I think there are these repositories of information, as Titicaca, Cusco, Paititi, the Sierra del Roncador, Roraima, Guatavita, Mount Shasta, Mount Sinai or the Gobi Desert. This would connect in the old Buddhist belief of "Shambhala".

Another of your great passions is the pursuit of the White Brotherhood, which identifies me personally, one of my goals to verify the possibility of their existence. This concern led you to make an incredible trip to Mongolia, perhaps the spiritual center of excellence world's most important. Somehow back on the road taken by Nicholas Roerich in the last century, who also had to this search as a priority. Can we talk about a turning point in the life of Ricardo Gonzalez?

The White Brotherhood exists. It Moricz underground society called "Taltos" the descendants of those lost civilizations "pre downpours." Yes, it sounds incredible. But after I met one of these messengers, on an expedition to the jungles of Manu in Peru, I knew the underworld-film equation with symbols-keepers of records, it was not impossible.

In August 2007 an international group traveled to the Gobi Desert, where 200 years ago Mongolian monk found a door "dimensional" having been visited in secret by a number of personalities, including scientists from the National Geographic or the Dalai Lama himself. That light gate connects to one of the "spiritual sanctuaries" of the White Brotherhood or "Lords of Shambhala." Indeed, Nicholas Roerich was referring to them and their association with a foreign power stone called "Chintamani", a supernatural object that reminds suspiciously or emerald Umina Goddess lost Inca, and the medieval version of the origin of the Holy Grail. In the midst of this avalanche of revelations, I found a set of keys that have kept me engaged in research in recent years. As Daniel Entin spoke in New York (Director of the Roerich Museum), the "key" to understand this great puzzle are the works of Russian painter and its hidden message. Roerich

crossed the desert of Gobi and Altai Mountains. I do not know if he met the dimensional gate currently guarding the monks from Khamar, but those trips through the heart of Asia they changed profoundly. I'm not surprised. Our expedition to Gobi was, as you say, a before and after for us. At least for me has been the case. My view of things, contact with these beings, everything has changed 180 degrees. I rediscovered these experiences are much deeper than what you see in the "surface." Today I try to convey that vision, where one should be more free in his mystical path or research. Away from old ways or schemes that do not fit the times we are living, and what's coming. It is time for a change that will lead to another stage, more authentic and spiritual, but no less sensible and coherent.

Exopolitics has been established as the mainstream, as the UFO issue. However, their arguments do not seem to convince the majority of the public, criticizing its lack of rigor in terms of data, some of which are very disparate. How contacted, we identified the movement, or feel the discussion is mis background?

I had the opportunity to discuss this issue with Dr. Alfred Webre. I think the term "Exopolitics" just puts you first and last name to that old initiative to understand how is our relationship with advanced alien societies. Whatever the case, I would say that the current Exopolitics is ill-conceived, but that still is being structured in the future projection. And the time put the record straight about his contribution, or the authenticity of those extraordinary claims that talk about experiments secrets and human bases on Mars. But I'm not part of that movement. Perhaps because our experience contact us to see things differently.

Despite your youth, you are considered one of the most prolific writers in the middle, with a few published works, which began with the writing of Masters of Paititi . You are currently presenting the brand new inner- , then a line started in Uku Pa cha, perhaps one of the best guides on underground sites. Is it a sequel, or are we at a glance new about the enigma of enigmas?

Both. Initially thought of reissuing "Uku Pacha," but from the time of its publication (2002) to date, much water has flowed under the bridge, new journeys, experiences, and of course lots of information about the inner-and relics power. Although some of these data were circulating on the Internet through our articles and reports, I felt I should put it all together under one common thread to explain in a better context and objectively as possible, which means the enigma of contact the underworld.

was born

Intraterrestrial . The book not only speaks of the White Brotherhood and its holy shrines in the world, but much of the research focuses on the mystery of the 13 discs solar power and the Chintamani stone, impossible objects that appear to have been taken from a tale of science fiction, but according to our experience and observations, is a real legacy of the "Lords of Shambhala." The book also narrates the expedition to the Cueva de los Tayos, the appearance of Sunki, and recent trips to the Gobi (2007) and Roraima (2009).

To conclude. What would you recommend to new generations that are initiated in this way?

Do not follow anything or anyone. Which are free. To investigate and question everything. So draw their own conclusions. And finally, as always, that road will not lead them out, but within themselves. That is the most mysterious cave that no one dares to discover caver. It is the real secret.

Ricardo Gonzalez, infinite thanks!

A big hug from Barcelona.


Friday, November 19, 2010

First Response Light First Line

Tayos, the eternal dilemma - Deborah Goldstern Reflections

Tayos, the eternal dilemma Deborah Goldstern

Who writes is very attractive, attracts the attention lately the Cueva de los Tayos . From documentaries made by Ecuadorian chains, as recently presented by Teleamazonas and countless expeditions from around the world are constantly occurring.

is innnegable that Tayos is one of the most important living enigma, a real magnet for seekers and scholars, who no longer go to his heart in pursuit of answers, so far no solution.

recently gave our opinion on the History lies where Daniken again reflect on Tayos. There we saw as the common pattern happens to disqualify Juan Moricz, the man who for us is part imprecindible in the saga.

But this same dilemma not only see in Daniken, but is a repetitive behavior of those in the enigma intereasados \u200b\u200b Tayos , trying to establish itself as the only bearers of truth.

is However Moricz where history Tayos acquires its true strength, and where we want to target.

That's why we want to make available to the visitor some videos, where we live who we consider the most authoritative voice on the issue, which we believe should be heard carefully.

A missed Juan Moricz, rescued from Tayos - A World intraterrestrial, by ufologist Jaime Rodriguez in 1995.

Perhaps one of the best documentaries on the subject, and that already recommend.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Government Incentives For First Time Home Buyers

history sobe Lie - Deborah Goldstern

Reflections on History Deborah
lies Goldstern ©

about two years ago I learned that Erich Von Daniken would release a new album, The Story Lies, where after almost thirty-six years of silence , would focus public attention on the Cueva de los Tayos.

For those who for some years followed closely the story of the mysterious cavern Ecuador, which Däniken dust off the track again, meant to reveal hope for current data that could shed light on some dark shades even now .

So my expectation rose waiting for the publication of the material of the Swiss, who no doubt could have a significant contribution, given its past role in the fabric of Tayos.

finally materialized this 2010 edition, but unfortunately not in Argentina. To avoid this situation, I asked my friend Guillermo Giménez who recently returned from his European tour, I approached a copy, which thanks to its good offices got my hands on it a matter of a few weeks.

With a foreword by the English writer Javier Sierra, the book was revealed as promising. Däniken first exhibited as evidence of those years, correspondence private, the result of first-hand exchange with one of the main characters, deepening of course the legendary figure of Juan Moricz.

Through private conversations I had with other scholars, we know that over time Däniken was an incredible building data file, the result of his extensive travels and research, which is considered one of the most comprehensive reporting bases the world.

Against this background, we would expect that history lies really Däniken could present a more mature and less prone to the novel, which was an important part in building the now legendary Gold of the Gods where in 1975 showed the world the underground complex of the Cueva de los Tayos, as well as their alleged treasures.

However, some warning signs were putting me on the defensive about the true nature of the story lies, as brief descriptions of material circulating on the net, had a bit daunting. To this we add radial statements (1) Däniken itself, which increased my confidence, evidenced in these interviews, links about Tayos a little crazy, and that my mind had little to do with real background of the story.

But I preferred to stay out of these early impressions, hoping that the book could provide deeper detail, hopefully mostly by correspondence which it said would help clear the many gaps.

with the book already in hand, engrossed in reading, I knew that my fears had its reason for being, as if expecting to see a more thorough and thoughtful Däniken, I found that the Swiss returned to their old ways, and the worst way, presenting an impossible combo about Tayos, which aims "is the story of those events never counted." In other words, the pure version Däniken, a mess, which leads to the abyss without a net.

Recall that caused Däniken a huge impact when he published The Gold of the Gods, so much so that the book gave him instant fame making it one of the most popular authors of his time, with millions of copies sold. But that legacy was marred by a dispute with Juan Moricz, as the discoverer of that underground labyrinth overruled him in public, opening a wound from which Däniken failed to recover. After the confrontation he had with Moricz, Federer avoided for years set foot in Ecuador, a country which he returned after the death of Hungarian browser.

that work in today's worship, put the eye Däniken Ecuador World, which is worthy of applause, and maybe the history of the Cueva de los Tayos would still be in darkness. I personally always appreciated this move, and defended but turn to be honest counted in The Gold of the Gods, once again, driving without a compass, it loses the "true seeker" in a bottomless pit, and only serves to increase confusion. That I knew very well when I started six years ago in the study of the underground world of Tayos. I know every line told in The Gold of the Gods upon the discovery of Ecuador, and very well "as it was developed, combining data over and over again, that eventually I could see, was not easy task, but not impossible. Already at that time Däniken said after starting to receive the first attacks of critics, some of which that story was "novel" as a way of getting closer to the reader.

same could be said of History lies, only this time presenting what is even more confusing if not bizarre, compared with the gold of the Gods. In a desperate attempt to get the tone with the subject, which in recent years was reborn from the ashes thanks to the efforts of some researchers, among whom I include myself humbly, Däniken attempts to position itself as the only valid interlocutor, wanting to have the final word as to Tayos. Edited correspondence is very poor to clear the doubts, becoming only the vehicle of the comings and goings of the main characters recriminatory. But the worst comes to the inclusion of the Book of Enoch (2), Voynich Manuscript (3) and the Mormon sect, as the "truth behind the Tayos" which as a working hypothesis are intolerable. As a distinctive feature, Däniken no doubt raise, and declares without blushing, to know the true location of the metal library, but obviously prefer their location "? In this sequel

failed Gold of the Gods, where Däniken seems at times lacking in form, another monumental error is wanting to play down the figure of Juan Moricz, which seem bent many true beginners in the study of Tayos. As a sort of belated revenge in one paragraph states: "I was deceived," shows unconscious from a wound which said it is far from closed. That is why it rejects the version passed Moricz and make Stanley Hall (4) , in the true spokesman of secrecy that hides the Tayos, assuredly the dull story of the former leader of the expedition of the year 76 '.

Another workhorse nor be deprived of trying, and which increased his fame by releasing The Gold of the Gods, is to dedicate some lines as well as photographs and known to the collection of Father Crespi, which they said housed treasures of Tayos. After so many years, the discourse on the controversial collection is maintained, with some mild criticism of some of its parts, but will not miss any more sustainable argument, nor reflect on the true provenance of the material. Däniken returned to the charge saying that the material comes from the tunnels, without specifying too. We talk about the Tayos, or other tunnel? Questions that after thirty and six years for the Swiss remain unanswered.

Perhaps the main problem the father of former astronauts, is to ignore that Ecuador is only the tip of the iceberg in terms Tayos history, and that Argentina is part of that thread that may help resolve some of these enigmas. That is reflected in reviewing the literature of History lies, where it is almost shocking omission of material in English, which tells me that privileges the European vision Däniken represented by Stanley Hall, in opposition to Juan Moricz (5 ) , who in life beyond its origins in the old continent, defended American question.

Däniken seems that it is impossible to ask rigor in information, but lies in History strives to present itself as such. Escaping the novel view that for so long cultivated in most of his later works, seems an impossible task for the Swiss, unable to leave the fantastic view of history. What happened to the Cueva de los Tayos, which could be a turning point instructive not seem to make a dent in your vision, which continues to hold without alteration, as evidenced in the analysis that at times border on the child.

There is a biblical proverb that applies well to the lies history and in particular its reported: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, but when I became a man, I put childish things." To which we add: "the unvarnished truth does not sell, just ask Däniken.

(1) See:

(2) See :

(3) See:

(4) Stanley Hall UK led the famous expedition of Ecuador, which fell to the Cueva de los Tayos in 1976. The exploration intended to reveal the famous library of gold metal, reported by Juan Moricz in 1969, but does not include the Hungarian scholar on the computer by previous misunderstandings, it was never found. After this failure, Hall went to live in Ecuador, and for years continued to search for the elusive treasure. Wrote a book, The Lost Files of Atlantis, which sought to dismiss the legitimate version Moricz as discoverer, further suggesting that the "Veradero Cueva de los Tayos "was thousands of miles from that declared by the Hungarian. But despite their attempts, could never prove the version. He died in 2008. During the time I lived in Ecuador, are ignored his "real activity", although there are concerns continued to work for the British government ...


( 5) See:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gall Bladder Polyps Removal

Zecharia Sitchin - Father of the Annunaki - Deborah Nestor Goldstern

Zecharia Sitchin
Deborah Goldstern

a few weeks ago we learned of the death of Russian-born researcher, Zecharia Sitchin. Remember that this scholar, an expert in dead languages, popularized the theory of alien gods, to which he called Anunnaki, based in the distant past in ancient Sumer, modern Iraq today.

Sitchin believed that these space travelers, human life originated on Earth, giving it the power of creator gods.

This central idea captured it in a first work that made him a celebrity worldwide, The 12th Planet, which was followed by a dozen works, which again addressed the subject again and again, convinced of the reality of a saga that thought real up its disappearance. Sometime in

Underground Chronicle talked about the legacy of Sitchin, who writes that, not convinced with her very particular vision of early history, a bit away from the development as it is conceived.
Perhaps a less shared concepts is the development of an idea that the gods intend to give the powers of gods Annunakis absolute responsibility of every civilized culture as is the know today, and to the holding was born in East and then spread to the rest of the planet. Discussed

or not, Sitchin has become a benchmark respected and whose word was echoed among many followers, who adopted his Annunaki as valid historical source, although lack of further evidence.

Beyond these looks do not always coincide, we want to rescue one of the key texts drawn from the 12 th planet, and which are special tune.

is Lulu's birth, man!

The Creation of Man

The statement, signed and transmitted by the Sumerians, that "Man" was created by the Nephilim, appears to conflict at first glance, both with the theory of evolution as with the Judeo-Christian dogmas based on the Bible.

But in fact, the information contained in the Sumerian texts, and only that information, can affirm both the validity of the theory of evolution as the truth of the biblical story, and show that, in reality, there conflict between the two.

In the epic "When the gods as men" in other specific texts and references in passing, the Sumerians described the man not only as a deliberate creation of the gods, but also as a link in the evolutionary chain that began with the celestial events described in the "Epic of Creation." Holding the firm belief that the creation of man was preceded by an era during which only the Nephilim were on Earth, the Sumerian texts recorded on a case by case basis (for example, the incident between Enlil and Ninlil), the events place "when Man had not yet been created, when Nippur was inhabited only by the gods." At the same time, the texts also described the creation Earth and the evolution of plant and animal life in it, and did so in terms that conform to current evolutionary theory.

The Sumerian texts state that when the Nefilim arrived on Earth, yet it had spread the arts of cultivation of cereals and fruit as well as the care of livestock. Similarly, the biblical creation of man lies in the sixth "day" or phase of the evolutionary process. The Book of Genesis says that, in an earlier evolutionary stage:

No plant was still open country on Earth,
any grass that is planted had germinated yet ...
And Man was not yet there to work the soil.

All Sumerian texts say that the gods created Man to do their job. Explained in the mouth of Marduk, the epic of creation accounts for the decision: I breed a Primitivo

"Man" is his name.
I will create a Primitive Worker;
he will pay for the service of the gods,
for them to be comfortable.

The Sumerian and Akkadian terms used to refer to the "Man" speak clearly of their status and their purpose: the Man was a Mu (early), a Mu amelu (primitive worker) a awilum (worker). That Man had been created to serve the gods was not at all shocking or strange idea to the ancients. In biblical times, the deity was "Lord," "Ruler," "King", "Love." The word usually translated as "worship" was, in fact, Avodah (work). The old man gave no biblical "worship" their god; worked for him.
But as the biblical deity (as the gods of the Sumerian accounts) created man, planted a garden and placed man working on it:

And the Lord God took the "Man" and put
in the Garden
of Eden to till it and keep it.

Later, the Bible describes the divine "walking in the garden when the breeze", now that the new being was there to tend the Garden of Eden. So far is this version of what they say about the Sumerian texts that the gods demanded workers, so they can rest and relax?

In Sumerian versions, the decision to create Man was adopted by the Assembly of the gods. Significantly, the book of Genesis, which supposedly celebrates the achievements of one Deity, uses the plural Elohim (literally "deidadej ') to denote "God", and makes us an amazing "comment:

And Elohim said:
" Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
"" Whose

is speaking not singular but plural Deity and who were those "we" in which plural image and likeness plural Man had to be done? The book of Genesis does not give us the answer. Then, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, Elohim a warning to the same anonymous colleagues: "Behold the Man has become like one of us, as to know good and evil."

Since the biblical Creation, like other tales of beginnings in Genesis, comes from Sumerian sources, the answer is obvious. By condensing the many gods in one Supreme Deity, the biblical story is not just a revised version of the Sumerian reports on discussions in the Assembly of Gods.

The Old Testament is striving to make clear that Man was not a god nor was heaven. "The heavens are the Lord of Heaven, Earth Mankind He has given." The new being was called "the Adam" because it was created from the adama, earth, soil of the earth. In other words, Adam was "the Land." Lacking

just some "knowledge" and a period of divine life, the Adam was created in all other aspects of the image (selem) and likeness (dmut) of his (s) Creator (s). The use of both terms in the text was made to leave no doubt that the man was similar to (the) God (s) both physically and emotionally, externally and internally.

In all ancient artistic representations of gods and men, the physical resemblance is obvious. Although the biblical warning against the worship of pagan images gave rise to the idea that the Hebrew God had no image or likeness, Genesis, as well as other reports biblical testifies to the contrary. The God of the ancient Hebrews could see face to face, he could fight with him, he could hear and speak, had the head and feet, hands and fingers, including waist. The biblical God and his emissaries men looked and acted like men, because men were created in the likeness of the gods and acted as the gods.

But this simple thing lies a great mystery. How does a new baby might be physically, mentally and emotionally, a virtual replica of the Nephilim? Really, how was Man created?

The Western world had long been given to the idea that deliberately created Man had been put on earth to subdue and exercise dominion over all other creatures. Then, in November 1859, a British naturalist named Charles Darwin published a treatise called On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favou-Races in the Struggle Network for Life. Summarizing nearly thirty years of research, the book added to the previous concepts of natural evolution, the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural selection as a result of the struggle of all species, both plants and animals-for existence.

The Christian world had already taken a blow when, from 1788 on, leading geologists had begun to express his belief that the Earth was of great antiquity, much higher than that of the roughly 5,500 years of Hebrew calendar. But the explosive case was not the concept of evolution as such, previous studies have observed this process, and Greek scholars of the fourth century BC had already collected data on the evolution of animal and plant life.

The terrible bombing of Darwin was the conclusion that all living things, including man, were the product of evolution. Man, contrary to the belief held then, there had been generated spontaneously.

The initial reaction of the Church was violent. But as the scientific facts concerning the true age of the Earth, evolution, genetics and other biological and anthropological studies came to light, criticism of the Church were muted. It seemed that, finally, the very words of the Old Testament were indefensible record of the Old Testament, then how could a God that has no body and is universally alone: \u200b\u200b"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness '"?

But really, we are but" naked apes "? Is that the monkey is not beyond the arm's length, evolutionarily talking? Does the tree shrew is a human being who still stands and has not lost its tail?

As shown at the beginning of this book, modern scientists will have to question the simple theory. Evolution can explain the general course of events that have made life and life forms to develop on Earth, from the simplest single-celled creature to Man. But evolution can not account for the emergence of Homo sapiens, which took place in the overnight, in terms of millions of years evolution requires, and without any evidence of previous stages, which could indicate a gradual change from Homo erectus.

The hominid of the genus Homo is a product of evolution. But Homo sapiens is the product of a sudden event, revolutionary. Inexplicably appeared about 300,000 years ago, millions of years too soon.
experts have no explanation for this. But we do. Sumerian and Babylonian texts if they have it. And the Old Testament as well.

Homo sapiens, the modern man "was created by the ancient gods.

Fortunately, the Mesopotamian texts make a clear statement of the time it was created Man. The story of the hardships and the subsequent mutiny of the Anunnaki us says. 'For 40 periods they suffered the work, day and night ", the long years of hard work the poet dramatized the repetition of verses.

For 10 periods they suffered the toil;
for 20 periods they suffered the toil;
for 30 periods they suffered the toil;
for 40 periods they suffered the toil.

The text uses the term old ma to say "period", and most experts have translated as' year. " But the term connotes "something that is complete, and then repeats itself." For men of the Earth, one year equals one complete orbit Earth around the Sun But, as we have shown, the orbit of the planet of the Nefilim amounted to shar, or 3,600 Earth years. Forty

shar, or 144,000 Earth years, after. Su, arrival, did the Anunnaki said, "Enough!". If the Nefilim arrived on Earth, as we have concluded, around 450,000 years ago, the creation of man must have occurred some 300,000 years ago!

The Nefilim did not create the mammals, primates, or hominids. "The Adam" of the Bible was not the genus Homo, but the being who is our ancestor, the first Homo sapiens. What created the Nephilim is the modern man, as we know it.

The key to understanding this crucial fact in the story in which Enki awaken to inform you that the gods have decided to form a adamu, and that their task is to find a way to do it. By the way, answered Enki:

"The creature whose name you utter

and adds: "Hold on it"-on the creature that already exists, "the image of the gods."

Here, then, is the answer to the puzzle: The Nefilim did not "created" Man of anything, but they took a pre-existing creature and manipulated it to "hold on it "the" image of the gods. "

Man is the product of evolution, but the modern man, Homo sapiens, is the product of the "gods." Well, at some point, about 300,000 years ago, the Nefilim took a man-ape (Homo erectus) and he introduced his own image and likeness.

There is no conflict between evolution and creation stories of the Man in the Middle East. Rather, they explain and complement each other. For without the creativity of the Nephilim, modern man would still have a million years away in the evolutionary tree.

back in time and try to visualize the circumstances and events, as revealed.
The great interglacial stage, which began about 435,000 years, and its warm weather led to proliferate and animal food. Also accelerated the emergence and spread of advanced human-like apes, Homo erectus.

When the Nephilim observe all this wildlife, not only would the dominant mammals but also to primates, including apes would be those human looking. And there is certainly a possibility that some of these bands of Homo erectus who went from here to there, feel fascinated and will come out to watch the igneous objects that rose in the sky. It is even possible that the Nephilim observe, find, and even captured some of these fascinating primates.

that the Nephilim and human-like apes met is something that is attested by several ancient texts. A Sumerian story, which is prime time, says:

When mankind was created,
knew nothing about eating bread,
i knew nothing about putting on clothing;
mouth eating plants, such as sheep ;
drank water from a ditch.

In The Epic of Gilgamesh is also described this being "human" half animal. Here we are told it looked Enkidu, the "born on the steppes" before civilized: Hairy

is his whole body,
fitted on the head with a mane like a woman ...
not know anything about people nor land;
her outfit is like a green field;
eats grass with the gazelles, with wild beasts at the watering
with the prolific creatures in the water
his heart delights.

Akkadian text not only describes an animal looking man, also speaks of an encounter with such a being:

Then, a hunter, one who puts traps
stood before him in the trough.
When the hunter saw him, his face was
still ...
The concerns touched his heart, his face darkened, because distress
had entered her womb.

The hunter had something else to fear, after watching 'the wild' this' barbaric depths of the steppe ", because that" savage "also meddled in the affairs of the hunter:

filling holes I had dug, traps dismounted
I had set
beasts and creatures of the steppe had made
slip through my hands.

We can not ask for a better description of a man-ape: a wandering nomad hairy "or know of people or land," dressed in leaves, "as one of the green fields", eating grass and living among animals. However, not without some intelligence, he knows how to remove the traps and filling the holes of the hunter. In other words, protecting his animal friends, prevented hunters were captured by aliens. We found many cylindrical stamps representing the hairy ape-man from his animal friends. (Fig. 149)

Then, in need of labor, and determined to make a Primitive Worker, the Nephilim thought of a custom solution: domesticate the appropriate animal.

The 'animal' was available, but the Homo erectus posed a problem. On the one hand, was too intelligent and savage as to become, well, willingly, into a docile beast of burden. Moreover, not really suited to the work required. Would require some physical changes. Had to be able to grasp and use the tools of the Nephilim, as they walk and bend to replace the gods in the fields and mines. Had to have a "brain" better-not like the gods, but good enough to understand the words, commands and the tasks assigned to it. Needed sufficient intelligence and understanding to be an obedient and useful amelu-a servant.

If, as the evidence: the ancient and modern science seem to confirm, life on Earth life sprouted on the Twelfth Planet, the evolution of the Earth must move the same way it did in the Twelfth Planet. Undoubtedly, had to have mutations, variations, accelerations and delays caused by the different local situations, but the same genetic code, the same "chemistry of life" found in all living beings on Earth had to guide the development of terrestrial life forms in the same general direction followed in the Twelfth Planet.

While observing the various forms of life on Earth, the Nefilim and their chief scientist, Ea, they should not take too long to realize what was happening: in the celestial collision, their planet had seeded the Earth with his own life . Hence, the being who wanted to become worker was indeed similar to the Nephilim, but in a less evolved.

What they needed was not a gradual process of domestication through generations of breeding and selection, but a quick process that allowed the "mass production" of new workers. So he raised the issue with Ea, which immediate response was: "print" the image of the gods on the being who already existed.

The process recommended to achieve a rapid evolutionary development of Homo erectus was, we believe, genetic manipulation.

now know that the complex biological process by which a living organism will reproduce, creating offspring that resemble their parents, is through the genetic code. All living organisms, from worms to the tree fern or Man-equipped, inside each cell, a set of chromosomes, a tiny little bodies of rod-shaped, which contain all the hereditary information of that particular agency. When the male cell (pollen, sperm) fertilizes the female cell, the two sets of chromosomes combine, then divide to form new cells that have all the hereditary characteristics of the cells of the parents.

Today, artificial insemination is possible, including a female human egg. But the challenge lies in cross-fertilization between different families within the same species and even between different species. Modern science has come a long way since the early development of hybrid grains, the crossing of dogs in Alaska with wolves or 'creation' the mule (the artificial mating of a mare with a donkey), to the ability to manipulate their own reproduction of Man.

The process called cloning (from the Greek klon, twig) applies to animals the same principle followed when cutting a stem of a plant, with it, play other similar plants. This technique, applied to animals, it was shown viable for the first time in England, when Dr. John Gordon replaced the nucleus of a fertilized egg of a frog by the nuclear material of another cell of the same frog. The generation of normal tadpoles showed that the egg came to develop, subdivide and create progeny regardless of where to obtain the set of chromosomes to match.

Experiments of the Institute of Society, Ethics and Life Sciences in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, have shown that already have the necessary techniques for cloning human beings. At present, it is possible to take the nuclear material of any human cell (not necessarily from the sex organs) and, introducing his 23 complete sets of chromosomes in the female egg, conceive and give birth to a person "default." In normal conception, the chromosomes of 'father' and 'mother' to mix, then divide and end in the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a process of combinations fortuitous. But in cloning, the offspring is an exact replica of one set of chromosomes that is not divided. We have already, according to Dr. W. Gaylin, "the awful knowledge to make exact copies of human beings'" an unlimited number of Hitlers, Mozarts or Einsteins (if we had preserved their cell nuclei).

But the art of genetic engineering is not merely a process. Researchers in many countries have perfected a process called "fusion cell" that makes possible to melt instead of combining cell chromosomes within a single cell. As a result of this process, cells of different origins can be cast in a "supercell" keeping within itself the two cores and a double set of paired chromosomes. When this cell divides, the mixing of nuclei and chromosomes can be split according to a different model of each cell before the merger. The result may be the two new cells, each genetically complete, but each with a new set of genetic codes, completely disrupted in relation to which he had in the cells of the parents.

This means that cells which, until now, were living organisms inconsistent-for example, a chicken and a mouse, you can merge to form new cells with new mixes genes that produce new animals that will be neither chickens nor mice, as we know. Further refined the process we may also allow the selection of the characteristics or traits of a lifestyle that is intended to impart to the fused cell or "merged."

This is leading to the broad field of 'genetic transplants. " It is now possible to draw from certain bacteria and insert a specific gene in a human or animal cell, giving the offspring an added feature.

should assume that the Nephilim, who were capable of space travel 450,000 years ago, had be equally advanced in the field of life sciences, if we compare their situation with ours today. We should also assume that they knew the alternatives for which two sets of chromosomes combine preselected to obtain a predetermined genetic and that, if the processes were similar to cloning, cell fusion, gene transplantation or other method unknown to us yet, they should know these processes could take place not only in the laboratory test tube, but also in living organisms.

There is a reference to these mixtures of two sources of life in the ancient texts. According to Berosus, the deity Belo (Mr)-also called Deo (God) - the father of several "terrible beings, which were generated from a double top." They appeared

men with two wings, some with four and two faces. They had one body but two heads, one male, one female. Similarly, had both male and female organs.

Other human figures were seen with goat legs and horns. Some had feet of a horse, others had limbs of a horse behind, but were way ahead of men, looking hippocentaurs. Similarly, there were created man-headed bulls, and dogs with bodies quadruple and tails of fish. Also horses with dogs' heads, men too, and other animals, horse head and body and tail of a fish. In summary, there were creatures with limbs of each animal species ... From all this

images were kept in the temple of Belus in Babylon.

The puzzling details of this story may retain an important truth. It is quite likely that, before resorting to the creation of a being with his own image, the Nefilim attempted to solve the problem with a "servant manufactured" experimenting with alternatives, including the creation of hybrid animal-man-ape. Some of these artificial creatures may have survived by time, but certainly should have been unable to reproduce. It is possible that the enigmatic bull-men and men-lion (sphinx) that adorned the temples of the ancient Near East were not only the product of the imagination of an artist, but actual creatures that come out of the biological laboratory of the Nephilim - failed experiments, commemorated in the form of art and statues. (Fig. 150)

The Sumerian texts also speak of deformed humans created by Enki and the Mother Goddess (Ninhursag) during the course of their efforts to shape a perfect Primitive Worker. In one of the texts is said to Ninhursag, whose task was to "bind the mixture the mold of the gods got drunk and" went to Enki "

" How good and how bad is the body of man?
As dictated by my heart, I can make your destination
good or bad. "

Then, itching, according to this text, but probably unavoidably, as part of the process of trial and error, "Ninhursag created a man who could not hold urine, a woman who could not have children, a being he had no male nor female organs. Together, father of six human beings Ninhursag deformed or deficient. Enki was considered responsible for imperfect creation of a man of weak eyes and shaky hands, sick, impaired liver and heart, as well as other diseases related to old age, etc.

But finally achieved the perfect man, to whom Enki named Adapa; the Bible, Adam, and our experts, Homo sapiens. This being was so similar to the gods, in a text, even goes as far as saying that the Mother Goddess gave his creature, Man, "a skin as the skin of a god"-a soft body and no hair, quite different from the hairy man-ape.

With this final product, the Nefilim were genetically compatible with the daughters of Man, and could they marry and have children by them. But such support could only occur if Man had developed from the same "seed of life," as the Nephilim. And indeed, this is what the ancient texts trying to say.

Man, in the Mesopotamian concept as in the Bible, was made of the mixture of a divine element in the blood of a god or the "essence" of his blood, "and the" clay "of the Earth. And the truth is that the term lulu to be applied to man, but bringing the sense of "primitive" literally meant "one who has been mixed."

Having been asked to give way to a man Mother Goddess "washed his hands, took a pinch of clay, mixed in the desert." (It is fascinating to note here the hygienic precautions taken by the goddess. "He washed his hands." We are also these clinical procedures in other texts of creation.)

The use of "clay" earth mixed with "blood" divine to create the prototype of Man is well established in Mesopotamian texts. In one of them, which tells how Enki asked that 'effected a great work of Wisdom ", to" know how "scientific" claims that Enki had no major problems in carrying out the task of "developing servers for the gods." "Can do!" He announced. And then gave instructions to the Mother Goddess:

"Mix to a core the clay
the basis of the Earth,
-just above the Abzu-
and give the shape of a heart.
I will provide good and intelligent young gods
to take the clay to the proper state. "

The second chapter of Genesis offers this technical version:

And Yahweh, Elohim, Adam
formed of clay soil;
and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and Adam became a living soul.

The Hebrew word is translated normally as "soul" is nephesh, that elusive "spirit" that animates the living creature and it looks like the leaves when they die. Not coincidentally, the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) calls again and again against the shedding of human blood and animal blood meal "because blood is nephesh." The biblical version of creation of Man equivalent, thus nephesh ("spirit," soul ") and blood.

The Old Testament offers another clue about the role of blood in the creation of Man. The term adama (which comes Adam's name) means, originally, not just any earth or soil, but, specifically, dark red soil. Like the Akkadian word adamatu homologous ("dark red soil), the Hebrew word adama and the Hebrew name of the color red (adom) from the words used to describe blood: adatnu, dam. When the book of Genesis names being created by God "the Adam", uses a set of double meaning is very common in the Sumerian language. "The Adam" could mean "the land" (land), "the fact of dark red soil," and "the fact of blood."

The same relationship between the element essential living creatures and there is blood in the Mesopotamian accounts of the creation of Man. That kind of hospital where Ea and the Mother Goddess gave birth to the Man was known Shimti House. Most experts translate it as "the house where the destinations are determined." But the term comes Shimti unequivocally SHI.IM.TI Sumerian, which, taken syllable by syllable, means "breath-wind-life." So Bit Shimti mean literally "the house where the wind of life is blown", which is virtually identical to the biblical statement.

The truth is that the Akkadian word that was used in Mesopotamia to translate the Sumerian SHI.IM.TI was napishtu-the exact counterpart of the biblical term nephesh. And nephesh or napishtu was a "something" elusive in the blood.

Although the Old Testament did not offer many clues Mesopotamian texts were quite explicit on the subject. Not only claimed that blood was needed for the mixture which produced the Man, but also specified that it must be the blood of a god, divine blood.

When the gods decided to create man, their leader announced: "Blood knead, bones will be born." Suggesting that the blood be taken from a specific god, "Let the primitive are forged according to [his] model, "Ea said. By choosing to God,

of its [his] blood, they shaped mankind;
imposing the service, to release the gods ...
work was beyond comprehension. According

epic "When the gods, the gods then called the Birth Goddess (the Mother Goddess, Ninhursag) and asked him to perform work:

While the Birth Goddess is present, the Goddess
Birth forge a progeny.
As Mother of the Gods is present,
the Birth Goddess forge a Lulu;
that the worker has the burden of the gods. To create a Lulu
that he bear the yoke.

In an old Babylonian text called "The Creation of Man by the Mother Goddess," the gods call "The Midwife of the gods, the Business Mari 'and say,

You're the womb-mother, which
Humanity can be created. Create
then to Lulu, which he carried the yoke!

At this point, the text "When the gods" and other parallel texts are immersed in a detailed description of the actual creation of Man. After accepting the "employment", the goddess (called here NIN.TI - "lady who gives life") established some requirements, among whom were some chemicals ("Abzu bitumens), for use in" purification "and" Abzu clay. "

whatever it was these materials, Ea had no trouble understanding the requirements, and accepting, he said,

"will prepare a purifying bath,
that a god is bleeding ...
of its [his] flesh and blood, which Ninti
mix clay. "

But, to shape the man from clay mixed, some support was also needed female, something related to pregnancy and childbirth. Enki offered the services of his wife:

Ninki, my wife-goddess
which will approach the game. Seven
be close to attend.

After mixing the "blood" and the "clay", the stage of pregnancy and childbirth complete the gift of the "impression" on the creature divine.

The fate of the newborn you will pronounce;
Ninki fixed on him the image of the gods;
and what is he is "Man."

Assyrian seals Some representations may well have been inspired by these texts, showing the Mother Goddess (her symbol was the umbilical cord cutter) and Ea (whose original symbol was the crescent) while preparing mixtures, recite the spells and they encourage each other to continue. (Fig. 151,152)

The involvement of the wife of Enki, Ninki, the creation of the first specimen is not defective Man recalls the story of Adapa, the which we raised in an earlier chapter:

In those days, in those years,
the Sage of Eridu, Ea,
created it as a model for men.

Experts have speculated that references to Adapa as "son" of Ea implied that God loved this man to the point of adoption. But in the same text, Anu regards Adapa as "the human offspring of Enki." It seems that the involvement of the wife of Enki in the process of creating Adapa, the "Adam model", generated some sort of genealogical relationship between the new man and his god, but it was Ninki that Adapa was pregnant! Ninti
blessed the new being and submitted to Ea. Some stamps show the goddess, flanked by the Tree of Life and laboratory flasks, holding to be newborn. (Fig. 153)

Being well bred, to which they refer over and again in the Mesopotamian texts as a "model man" or a "mold" was, apparently, the creature right, for the gods then began to require duplicate. However, this detail, which seems to have no importance, not only sheds light on the process by which "created" to humanity, but the information would otherwise conflict, which appears in the Bible.

According to the first chapter of Genesis:

Elohim created Adam in His image-
the image of God He created him.
Male and female He created them.

Chapter 5, which is called the Book of the Genealogies of Adam, said:

the day that Elohim created Adam, the likeness of Elohim
He did.
Male and female He created them,
and blessed them and called them "Adam"
on the same day of its creation.

In the same sentence, we are told that the Deity created in His image and likeness, only a single being, "the Adam" and then says, in apparent contradiction, that both male and female, were created simultaneously. And the contradictions seem more acute in the second chapter of Genesis, which is what, specifically, tells us that Adam was only for a while, until the Deity made him sleep and developed a Woman from his rib.

This contradiction has puzzled scholars and theologians over the centuries, disappears when we realize that the biblical texts were a condensation of the original Sumerian sources. These sources tell us that, after trying to forge a Primitive Worker "mixing" hominids with animals, the gods came to the conclusion that the only mixture that would work would be the same hominid Nephilim. After several unsuccessful attempts, it became a "model" -Adapa/Adán. At first there was only one Adam.

In the time Adapa / Adam proved to be the right child, it was used as a genetic model or "template" for creating duplicates, duplicates and those were not only males, but males and females. Corno already said, the "rib" Biblical Women which was forged was a pun on the Sumerian term T ("rib" and "life")-confirming that Eve was made from the "essence of life" Adam.

Mesopotamian texts provide us with an eyewitness report about the first production of the duplicate of Adam.

instructions were followed Enki. In Shimti House, where the breath of life "was breathed" - Enki, the Mother Goddess and fourteen birth goddesses met. We obtained the "essence" of a god, he prepared the "purifying bath." "Ea cleaned the clay before him, he kept reciting the incantation."

The god who purifies napishtu, Ea, spoke aloud.
Sitting in front of her, he gave directions to her.
After reciting the incantation,
she removed her hand from clay.

And now we get to both the detailed process of mass creation of Man. With fourteen birth goddesses present
pinched fourteen pieces of clay deposited
seven to the right,
deposited seven to the left.
Among them put the mold.
... her hair ...
... umbilical cord cutter.

is clear that the birth goddesses were divided into two groups. "The wise and learned, two times seven birth goddesses had assembled" the text goes on to explain. In their wombs the Mother Goddess deposited the "clay mixed." There are glimpses of surgery, the removal or shaving of hair, the preparation of a surgical instrument, a cutter. Now, there was no wait:

The birth goddesses were kept together. Ninti
sat counting the months.
The fateful 10 th month was approaching;
reached the 10 th month;
the period for the initiation of the womb had elapsed.
Her face radiated understanding:
covered her head, held obstetrics.
waist was girded, and blessed.
She pulled out a form, in the mold was life.

seems that the drama of the creation of Man was made with a subsequent birth. The "mixture" of "clay" and "blood" was used to cause two separate pregnancies in fourteen goddesses of birth. But nine months passed and the tenth month began. "The period for the initiation of the womb had elapsed." Understanding I had to do, the Mother Goddess' held obstetrics. " In a parallel text (despite being fragmented) is seen more clearly that the Mother Goddess had to resort to some type of surgery:

Ninti ... account of the months ...
Al called for 10 th month, the Lady Whose Hand
Opens arrived.
With ... she opened the uterus.
His face shone with joy.
His head was covered;
... made an opening;
what was left in the uterus.

Overwhelmed with joy, the Mother Goddess let out a scream.

"I've created!
My hands have done! "

How was the creation of Man?

In the text "When the gods" is a passage aimed at explaining why the "blood" of a god had to mix with the "clay." The "divine" element required was not the dripping blood of a god, but something more basic and durable. The god who was selected, we have had TE.E.MA-a term that the leading authorities on the text (WG Lambert and AR Millard, University of Oxford) translate as "personality." But the old term is much more specific, it literally means "that which houses that which binds the memory." And What's more, the same term appears in the Akkadian version as etemu, which translates as "spirit."

In both cases, it is "something" in the blood of the god who was the repository of their individuality. We have the certainty that all this were nothing more than different ways to say what he wanted Ea, when he submitted the blood of God to a series of "purifying bath-ers" were the genes of God.

also explains the purpose of the mixture of the divine element in the Earth:

In the clay, God and Man be attached, the unit
brought together;
so until the end of days
the body and spirit
that has matured into a god-
that Soul in a blood relationship is bound, as their signal
proclaim life. So this
not forget,
the "Soul" in a blood relationship is bound.

are strong words, but little understood by scholars. The text states that God's blood mixed into the clay so tied to God and Man genetically "to the end of days", so that the flesh ("image") and soul ("likeness") the gods would be printed on Man in a kinship of blood that can never be broken.

"Epic of Gilgamesh" said that when the gods decided to create a double for Gilgamesh partly divine, the Mother Goddess mixed "clay" with the "essence" of the god Ninurta. Later in the text, the mythical power of Enkidu has been attributed to it the "essence of Anu ', an item purchased through Ninurta, grandson of Anu.

The Akkadian word refers to an "essence", a "concentration" possessed by the gods of heaven. E. Ebeling summed up his efforts to understand the exact meaning of kisir stating that as "essence, or some other nuance of the term, could well be applied to the deities, as well as projectiles Heaven. " EA Speiser agreed that the word also meant "something that came down from heaven," and said it had a connotation of "as if it were appropriate to use the term in contexts related to medicine." We again

one simple word in the translation: gen.

Evidence of ancient texts, both Mesopotamian and biblical, suggest that the process adopted to mix the two sets of genes-those of a god and those of Homo erectus, involved the use of male and divine element genes and gene Earth as a female.

After repeating once again that the Deity created Adam in His image and likeness, the Book of Genesis records after the birth of Seth, the son of Adam, with the following words:

And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and was a descendant

his likeness and in his image ;
and named him Seth.

The terminology is identical to that used to describe the creation of Adam by the Deity. But Seth was certainly the son of Adam as a biological-fertilization of a female egg with male sperm of Adam, resulting in conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Identical terminology speaks of an identical process, and the only conclusion is also plausible that Adam was begotten of the Deity through the process of fertilizing a female egg with the sperm of a god.

If the "clay", which mixed the divine element, was an Earth-like every word they say, then the only possible conclusion is that the male sperm of a god-its genetic material - was inserted into the egg of a female ape!

The Akkadian term for "clay" or, rather, "Molding Clay" - is tit. But his original spelling was TI.IT ("that which is alive"). In Hebrew, tit means "mud," but its synonym is to be, it shares roots with Colombia ("swamp") and Bea ("egg").

The Creation story is full of puns. We have seen double and triple meaning of Adam adama-adamtu-dam. The epithet for the Mother Goddess, NIN.TI, which means both "lady of life" as "lady of the rib." Why not then bo-bia-bea ("clay-mud-egg") as a pun for the female egg?

The egg of a female Oven erectus, fertilized by the genes of a god, then implanted in the uterus of the wife of Ea, and, after obtaining the "model" is implemented duplicate this in the wombs of the birth goddesses, to undergo the process of pregnancy and childbirth.

The scholars,
two times seven birth goddesses had assembled;
fathered seven men, seven
bred females.
begat The Birth Goddess
Wind Breath of Life.
In pairs were they completed,
in pairs were completed in her presence.
The creatures were People-
Creatures of the Mother Goddess. Homo sapiens

had been created.

legends and ancient myths, the biblical data and modern science are also consistent in one aspect. As the findings of modern anthropologists-that Man evolved and emerged in southeastern Africa, the text-s Mesopotamian suggest that the creation of Man took place in the Apsu, in the Lower World, where he was the Land of Mines. Along with Adapa, the "model" of Man, some texts mention the "sacred love, the woman of the earth", whose abode was in the Apsu.

The text of "The Creation of Man", Enki gives the following instructions to the Mother Goddess: "Mix to a core the clay from the foundations of the earth, just above the Abzu." In a hymn to the creations of Ea, "the Apsu modeled as their home", it says:

The divine Ea in the Apsu
took a pinch of clay, Kulla
created to restore the temples.

The hymn continues making a list of specialists in construction, as well as those responsible for "the abundant products of the mountain and the sea" that were created by Ea-all, be inferred from bits of "clay "nipped in the Abzu-the Land of Mines in the Lower World.

The texts make it abundantly clear that, although Ea built a brick house by the water in Eridu, the Abzu built a house adorned with silver and precious stones. It was there that his creature, Man, had its origin:

AB.ZU The Lord of the king Enki ...
built his house of silver and lapis lazuli;
silver and lapis lazuli, like sparkling light, the Father
conveniently forged in AB.ZU.
Creatures bright countenance, emerging from AB.ZU
stood the Lord everywhere Nudimmud.

One can conclude, from the various texts that the creation of Man caused a split among the gods. It appears that at least initially, the new Primitive Workers were restricted to the Land of Mines. As a result, the Anunnaki who were working hard at the same Sumer were denied benefits of the new workforce. A baffling text that scholars call "The Myth of the Piquette" is, in fact, the chronicle of events by which Sumer Anunnaki who were under the command of Enlil got their fair share of Black-Headed People. Trying to restore

"normal order" Enlil took an extreme decision: to cut the contact between the Sky "(the Twelfth Planet or spacecraft) and the Earth, and launched a drastic action against the place" where gushing flesh. "

Lord, what is appropriate
made it happen.
The Lord Enlil, whose decisions were unchanged
rushed to separate truly heaven on Earth for Created
could leave;
really rushed to separate the earth from Heaven.
In the "Bond Heaven-Earth" made a cut,
for Created
could rise from the Place-Where-Flesh-Brot.

Against the 'Country of Piquette and Cart ", a weapon forged Enlil AL.A.NI wonderful call (' ax that generates power"). This weapon had a "tooth" that "as a one-horned ox," could attack and destroy large walls. According to the descriptions, must be a kind of giant drill, mounted on a kind of bulldozer that crushed everything to be put forward:

The house which rebels against the Lord,
the house who does not submit to the Lord, makes
the AL.A.NI submit to the Lord.
of evil ... heads crushing plants;
start until the root breaks to the top. Armando

your device with a 'scraper earth, "launched its attack Enlil:

The Lord make the AL.A.NI, gave his orders.
put the Earth ripper crown on his head,
and put him in the Place-Where-Flesh-Brot.
In the hole was the head of a man
from the ground, people made its way towards Enlil.
He looked at his Cabezas Determined-looking black.

started, the Anunnaki made their applications before the arrival of the Primitive Workers and lost no time in putting them to work:

The Anunnaki went up to him,
raised their hands to receive it,
the heart of Enlil appeased with prayers. Blackheads
A Black-headed people,
made them take the pickaxe.

Similarly, the Book of Genesis conveys the information that "Adam" was created in an area west of Mesopotamia, to then be taken to the east to Mesopotamia, to work in the garden of Eden:

And the Deity Yahweh
planted a garden in Eden in the East ...
and took the
and put Adam in the Garden of Eden
to till it and keep it.
