Fabian "El Otro Lado" Deborah Goldstern
Fabian "El Otro Lado" Deborah Goldstern

few days ago, sixteen years after the death of Fabian Polosecki. For those who somehow have a passion for journalism, Polosecki figure represented a turning point, and started a new way of approaching reality, although imitated, it is difficult to match.
In today's television, and even with the explosion of information that invades our everyday life is impossible to recreate a proposal as "The Other Side" in 1993 could be seen by the Argentine channel ATC screens. Remembering
scenes emblematic of that program, you can not stop thinking about the immediate identification transmitted by the stories told, where the main protagonist was the interviewee, unique and unrepeatable way to approach the other in the world as I say, imposed rhythms voids increasingly pressing, as well as the cultivation of a fierce individualism, which only has the look of each.
The early departure of Fabian Polosecki the result of an inexplicable suicide, foretells less friendly times to come, and darker in its conception.
From Chronicle Underground, we provide our small tribute in this new anniversary of his tragic death, and we call on to future generations not to forget Polo, shooting star but still present.
Blejman, Mariano. The House of Commons.
The Other Side of Cops and Robbers
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