lies Goldstern ©

about two years ago I learned that Erich Von Daniken would release a new album, The Story Lies, where after almost thirty-six years of silence , would focus public attention on the Cueva de los Tayos.
For those who for some years followed closely the story of the mysterious cavern Ecuador, which Däniken dust off the track again, meant to reveal hope for current data that could shed light on some dark shades even now .
So my expectation rose waiting for the publication of the material of the Swiss, who no doubt could have a significant contribution, given its past role in the fabric of Tayos.
finally materialized this 2010 edition, but unfortunately not in Argentina. To avoid this situation, I asked my friend Guillermo Giménez who recently returned from his European tour, I approached a copy, which thanks to its good offices got my hands on it a matter of a few weeks.
With a foreword by the English writer Javier Sierra, the book was revealed as promising. Däniken first exhibited as evidence of those years, correspondence private, the result of first-hand exchange with one of the main characters, deepening of course the legendary figure of Juan Moricz.
Through private conversations I had with other scholars, we know that over time Däniken was an incredible building data file, the result of his extensive travels and research, which is considered one of the most comprehensive reporting bases the world.
Against this background, we would expect that history lies really Däniken could present a more mature and less prone to the novel, which was an important part in building the now legendary Gold of the Gods where in 1975 showed the world the underground complex of the Cueva de los Tayos, as well as their alleged treasures.
However, some warning signs were putting me on the defensive about the true nature of the story lies, as brief descriptions of material circulating on the net, had a bit daunting. To this we add radial statements (1) Däniken itself, which increased my confidence, evidenced in these interviews, links about Tayos a little crazy, and that my mind had little to do with real background of the story.
But I preferred to stay out of these early impressions, hoping that the book could provide deeper detail, hopefully mostly by correspondence which it said would help clear the many gaps.
with the book already in hand, engrossed in reading, I knew that my fears had its reason for being, as if expecting to see a more thorough and thoughtful Däniken, I found that the Swiss returned to their old ways, and the worst way, presenting an impossible combo about Tayos, which aims "is the story of those events never counted." In other words, the pure version Däniken, a mess, which leads to the abyss without a net.
Recall that caused Däniken a huge impact when he published The Gold of the Gods, so much so that the book gave him instant fame making it one of the most popular authors of his time, with millions of copies sold. But that legacy was marred by a dispute with Juan Moricz, as the discoverer of that underground labyrinth overruled him in public, opening a wound from which Däniken failed to recover. After the confrontation he had with Moricz, Federer avoided for years set foot in Ecuador, a country which he returned after the death of Hungarian browser.
that work in today's worship, put the eye Däniken Ecuador World, which is worthy of applause, and maybe the history of the Cueva de los Tayos would still be in darkness. I personally always appreciated this move, and defended but turn to be honest counted in The Gold of the Gods, once again, driving without a compass, it loses the "true seeker" in a bottomless pit, and only serves to increase confusion. That I knew very well when I started six years ago in the study of the underground world of Tayos. I know every line told in The Gold of the Gods upon the discovery of Ecuador, and very well "as it was developed, combining data over and over again, that eventually I could see, was not easy task, but not impossible. Already at that time Däniken said after starting to receive the first attacks of critics, some of which that story was "novel" as a way of getting closer to the reader.
same could be said of History lies, only this time presenting what is even more confusing if not bizarre, compared with the gold of the Gods. In a desperate attempt to get the tone with the subject, which in recent years was reborn from the ashes thanks to the efforts of some researchers, among whom I include myself humbly, Däniken attempts to position itself as the only valid interlocutor, wanting to have the final word as to Tayos. Edited correspondence is very poor to clear the doubts, becoming only the vehicle of the comings and goings of the main characters recriminatory. But the worst comes to the inclusion of the Book of Enoch (2), Voynich Manuscript (3) and the Mormon sect, as the "truth behind the Tayos" which as a working hypothesis are intolerable. As a distinctive feature, Däniken no doubt raise, and declares without blushing, to know the true location of the metal library, but obviously prefer their location "? In this sequel
failed Gold of the Gods, where Däniken seems at times lacking in form, another monumental error is wanting to play down the figure of Juan Moricz, which seem bent many true beginners in the study of Tayos. As a sort of belated revenge in one paragraph states: "I was deceived," shows unconscious from a wound which said it is far from closed. That is why it rejects the version passed Moricz and make Stanley Hall (4) , in the true spokesman of secrecy that hides the Tayos, assuredly the dull story of the former leader of the expedition of the year 76 '.
Another workhorse nor be deprived of trying, and which increased his fame by releasing The Gold of the Gods, is to dedicate some lines as well as photographs and known to the collection of Father Crespi, which they said housed treasures of Tayos. After so many years, the discourse on the controversial collection is maintained, with some mild criticism of some of its parts, but will not miss any more sustainable argument, nor reflect on the true provenance of the material. Däniken returned to the charge saying that the material comes from the tunnels, without specifying too. We talk about the Tayos, or other tunnel? Questions that after thirty and six years for the Swiss remain unanswered.
Perhaps the main problem the father of former astronauts, is to ignore that Ecuador is only the tip of the iceberg in terms Tayos history, and that Argentina is part of that thread that may help resolve some of these enigmas. That is reflected in reviewing the literature of History lies, where it is almost shocking omission of material in English, which tells me that privileges the European vision Däniken represented by Stanley Hall, in opposition to Juan Moricz (5 ) , who in life beyond its origins in the old continent, defended American question.
Däniken seems that it is impossible to ask rigor in information, but lies in History strives to present itself as such. Escaping the novel view that for so long cultivated in most of his later works, seems an impossible task for the Swiss, unable to leave the fantastic view of history. What happened to the Cueva de los Tayos, which could be a turning point instructive not seem to make a dent in your vision, which continues to hold without alteration, as evidenced in the analysis that at times border on the child.
There is a biblical proverb that applies well to the lies history and in particular its reported: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, but when I became a man, I put childish things." To which we add: "the unvarnished truth does not sell, just ask Däniken.
(1) See:
(2) See :
(3) See:
(4) Stanley Hall UK led the famous expedition of Ecuador, which fell to the Cueva de los Tayos in 1976. The exploration intended to reveal the famous library of gold metal, reported by Juan Moricz in 1969, but does not include the Hungarian scholar on the computer by previous misunderstandings, it was never found. After this failure, Hall went to live in Ecuador, and for years continued to search for the elusive treasure. Wrote a book, The Lost Files of Atlantis, which sought to dismiss the legitimate version Moricz as discoverer, further suggesting that the "Veradero Cueva de los Tayos "was thousands of miles from that declared by the Hungarian. But despite their attempts, could never prove the version. He died in 2008. During the time I lived in Ecuador, are ignored his "real activity", although there are concerns continued to work for the British government ...
( 5) See:
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