The way of silence - Frantisek Kupka (1900)
is perhaps one of the most cited by scholars, and that more attention tends to elicit from the media. Anyone who visits the land of the pyramids can be abstracted from the powerful figure that even today continues to hide her secrets, immune to the passage of time, and how far is make clear the reason for its true construction.
Attend the reader!
SENTINEL Research: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez (*)
We set out that morning of August of the Ramses Hilton Hotel in the city of Cairo, Egypt towards the region of Giza in the midst of a heat impressive. Watched the intense movement of the city that has 24 hours a day. The Nile River in front of us, also active with their barges thinking thousands of years ago it was run by great Pharaohs and princes while admiring his kingdom. The ride is pleasant, taking only ½ hour to reach the majestic Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza Sentinel. Egypt is constantly visited by thousands of tourists and students of archeology, I "caught" on entering it. Giza and stayed silent when he saw the majesty of these perfect structures. We joined the Pyramids and toured its passageways and chambers, he was astonished by the perfection of these wonders. The Sphinx, temples and other area accompanying buildings located on the rocky plateau of Giza. Who built them?, When? Why? These are questions that keep us all immersed in a mystery, although the official history dates and facts tell us that we now know it is not. Undoubtedly, history will be rewritten as soon as possible.

Who, when and why remains a mystery erected
-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
SPHINX The Sphinx is carved in a rock and is known by the Arabic name Abu Hawl, meaning Father of Terror. For some scholars, such as the Egyptologist Selim Hassan, suggests another etymology of the word. For him there was another colony of inhabitants according to his research that lived near the Sphinx, whose name was the name of "HWL", which in ancient Egyptian Bw means "place." The ancient Egyptians also known as Hu and Hor-em-Akher which means "Horus in the Horizon" and sometime also called "The Living Image of Aten" or Seshep-Ankh Aton. It is 20 meters high, 14 meters wide and 73 meters long. Human head and body of a lion sitting on his front legs extended in a U-shaped basin Look to the East where the sun rises is the Sentinel of the mysteries of an amazing culture that every day we are surprised with new discoveries. Over the centuries it has suffered natural erosion and battered by vandals and thieves. His face split, but calm, remains upright and indifferent to the passage of time. It is believed that the broken nose was caused by Napoleon's soldiers shot him, but previous documents reveal that the nose and was gone before the arrival of the conquistador. Today you see any color of paint on his face.

The Sphinx in profile. Even today you can see traces of paint on his face
-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
Guillermo Daniel Gimenez stood outside the entrance of the Sphinx. It can be seen in this photograph the Temple of the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre ago
South of the Sphinx is the Valley Temple, a large squarish structure built with columns and lintels, about 40 meters side. In these, you can see many spouts at the top of the blocks showing that at some point has suffered wear and tear caused by heavy rains. But when it rained coposamente here? In these temples there is no registration or any data. Front of the Sphinx, another Temple much older than the last. This is called the Temple of the Sphinx where there are 24 columns and the fact that the east-west axis is aligned with the Sphinx, indicates a function related astronomical sunrise and sunset on the equinoxes. Nobody yet knows the exact date of its construction. Both complexes are built with large blocks of limestone and granite were coated inside and out. It is estimated that some of these stones weigh 200 tons each. There pebbles in these complexes are all huge, being the smallest in more than 50 tons. I keep wondering, how the Egyptians erected these stones?. Perfection in construction and fit exactly the same is really impressive.
Another photograph showing part of the ancient temples that surround the Sphinx
-Stock Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
The fit of the granite coating on these temples is perfect
Current research chambers and passages discovered
below and around the Sphinx-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
History tells us that the Sphinx was made during the Old Kingdom of Egypt by order of Pharaoh Khafre or Chephren for the Fourth Dynasty. While there is no indication or evidence that, today everyone has accepted it. For Professor Ahmed Fakhry, Professor of Ancient History at the University of Cairo, "... the Sphinx symbolizes the King, and his face was carved with the features of Khafre. The odd thing is that to date have not found the remains or the mummy of Pharaoh Khafre, then there is no basis to assert this, just some can resemble statues or King, depending on how you look. So?. There is no definitive test to tell us which is the Pharaoh. Others believe that the Great Sphinx represents his father Khufu, or Cheops, embodied in Ra, with strength and power when it comes over the horizon. For others, like British and French archaeologists who studied for 20 years the secret of the Sphinx, considered that it was built by Djedefre, Khafre's half brother and the son of Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops. This was confirmed by French Vassil Dobre, academic French Archaeological Institute in Cairo. "This is the first time after extensive research we concluded that the Sphinx was made after the death of Khufu, his son Djedefre, who inherited power." Since the features, he says, of Khafre not correspond to the face of the monument. The Sphinx has been buried beneath the sands for thousands of years, many scholars today agree that it was already in Giza since ancient times. Already in 1991, with several studies and research in this region of Giza, the researchers concluded that the Sphinx is older than 10,000 years. Among the clutches of the monument there is a granite stele is not for the construction of it, but who lived the events commemorating the Pharaoh Thutmose IV (1401-1391 BC) to free the Sphinx from the sand that covered it. History tells us that one day this Pharaoh (Prince at the time) while resting near her, had a vision in which the Sphinx appeared and promised that if he dug in the sand that covered it he would become Pharaoh and did so by erecting this wall of granite of 2.15 meters. Described with lion body since they show "a powerful magical force that existed here since the beginning of time." (Stela of the Sphinx, EA Wallis Budge, in A History of Egypt). For Gaston Maspero, Director of the Department. Antiquities of Egypt considered according to another Estela also found in Giza, called "Inventory Stela" indicating that Kheops, Father of the Great Pyramid was the Sphinx. And the Pharaoh Khafre's predecessor, it follows that the Sphinx existed since then. Perhaps the Pharaoh Khafre repaired the Sphinx, but it was not that built it. In The Dawn of Civilization, Maspero says, "... the Sphinx could have existed since the days of the "followers of Horus", a line of semi-divine beings and predynastic, according to belief ancient Egyptians had ruled for thousands of years before the historic Pharaohs. " For Dr. Robert Scocht, Professor of Geology at the University of Boston, USA, and Egyptologist John West, say the deep fissures that can be seen today, not a product of wind erosion and sand but is the product of erosion and storm water back to an age of 10,500 BC for this structure. This completely overthrow the Egyptian chronology and the origins of this civilization. For French RA Schwaller de Lubicz at Sacred Science, "a great civilization had to precede the vast movements of water that passed over Egypt, which leads to assume that the Sphinx was already carved in the rock cliff west of Giza, the Sphinx whose leonine body, but not the head, shows unmistakable signs of water erosion. "
-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
cracks caused by water flowing back to us on the basis of climatic and geological evidence, provided by rigorous scientific studies, to date more old who later also repeated for the Great Pyramid. In the 90's Dr. Thomas Dobecki discovery acoustic tests around the Sphinx a large rectangular anomaly under the right paw of the Sphinx. Its dimensions are 9 feet 12 and about 5 meters depth. Is excluded in accordance with its rectangular shape, that it is a natural cavity, "seems to be made by man" in the words of Dr. Dobecki who made clear he was looking for evidence of "a lost civilization and a Chamber of Secrets under the feet of the Sphinx. " Investigations continued in silence to the general public, confirming between 1995 and February 1997, the camera in the right paw of the Sphinx using this sophisticated scanner. It was also discovered by Drs. Scocht Dobecki and a tunnel that went straight to the second pyramid at Giza. Boris Said is the researcher who discovered in February 1997 a new tunnel behind of the Sphinx. The cover was about 45 inches thick and 2.5 meters below she had an area of \u200b\u200b2.5 meters wide with a vaulted ceiling having a 25 degree downward tilt toward the Sphinx. New
discovered tunnels and chambers are present, but the Egyptian government has not authorized them to enter, or rather not reported. In short, we can say based on research carried out according to the report by Professor Robert Scocht, a renowned geologist, stratigraphic and paleontological, specializing in studies of the effects of weathering on rocks very similar to the limestones of the plateau Giza, the Sphinx has existed since long ago. That is not the result of the construction of Pharaoh Khafre and their wear products rains had not thousands of years before 2,500 BC time Egyptologists say the Sphinx was built. Geological evidence indicates a minimum date of 7,000 and 5,000 BC, and if Egyptologists today for this date is considered according to the official history as the region and the Nile, was populated by Neolithic hunters and gatherers, with their tools made flint and sticks. So?. "They built the Sphinx, the Temples and perhaps the Pyramids of Giza?. How?, Lifting tons of rock and with a precision accurate, and its tools, which ones?. Without a doubt, one advanced civilization existed in antiquity in this region of Giza still unidentified, which has been lost over the millennia, or perhaps be buried beneath the sands of Egypt. John West as formulated by Schoch, according to the data of 7000-5000 BC has been very cautious. He argues "... that the Sphinx has to be before the end of the last ice age ..." (Serpent, John A. West). Tells us that the civilization that built the Sphinx and ancient temples had to go long before 7000-5000 BC and perhaps the remains are hidden beneath the sand or in unexplored places or in the ancient banks of the River Nile or the Mediterranean Sea during the last glaciation was dry. In short, science has spoken, has a date older than what is now tells us the official story. The Sphinx, the Pyramids Sentinel Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure at Giza region, are arranged in a perfect "star connection" with the stars, Orion's Belt. For researcher Robert Bauval Sphinx was pointing to the belt of Orion in the year 10,500 BC in the age of the Lion. Tells us that those who did Giza designed to commemorate the "Ancient Time" or the "Age Osiris "and that this date was about 10,500 BC The Sphinx quietly contemplates the step of enthusiasts and scholars. It testifies to our civilization and other civilizations was amazing lost in the mists of time. A recent study by the satellite photo taken SIR-C/X-SAR of the U.S. Space Agency NASA, this region, shows as the density of rocks, that there was another building near it. What was it?, "Another Sphinx?. Some scholars believe that lack other named Sphinx and ancient texts, as in the "Dream Stela" of Tuthmosis IV in which there are two Sphinxes. It is the researcher Bassam Alexandrian Shammaa who seeks the second Sphinx disappeared in unknown circumstances and maintains real existence. There is still much more to investigate and report. And so we leave the Giza Plateau heading to Cairo, looking back in silence to the Sphinx, with her perfect Temples and Pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, seeing the majesty of the buildings and thinking about his "star connection" and in whom, when and why built. The visit day and night, feeling a magical presence in this region, observing the stars on them, under a sky completely clean and quiet, who are observers and witnesses of civilization that built, keeping silent over thousands of years. Perfect monuments that keep silent the secrets of their origins. The mystery of Egypt continues, and continues even concealed much of what we see today.

Another image of the Giza region. Seen in the center of the Sphinx and its temple
Back to the Pyramid of Khafre left and right the Great Pyramid of Kheops
-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-

behind The Sphinx and Chephren Pyramid.
This monument silently keeps the secret of its origins
-Photography: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez-
References and Research:
- Keeper of Genesis by Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock
- Research own William D. Giménez conducted in Egypt (Africa) and several European countries
(*) William Daniel Giménez, visited Egypt, traveling, researching and exploring the ancient mysteries of the ancient Egyptians, proving "in situ" tangible evidence of a relationship existing star in a wide region of Egypt correlated with the Cosmos, whose inhabitants had very broad scientific knowledge. His work on Egypt have been published in numerous print media (newspapers, magazines, newsletters) and various Internet Web pages from Argentina, America and Europe, where its research and dissemination have been well accepted by European researchers.
E-mail: gdgneco@yahoo.com
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