Unknown Superiors "Brotherhood Men in Black versus White" Deborah Goldstern

Continuing the saga of our enigmatic Higher Unknown, now present in Chronic Underground, a new story about our elusive human drivers, which is staged again to Argentina.
believe that it is no coincidence that so many stories of apparitions of these mysterious creatures, have to this part of the continent as a site of choice. Anyone who has followed the publications that we have been publishing on the subject will recognize an invisible bond linking these seemingly unrelated stories.
To illustrate our assumption we choose a chapter, a fascinating 66./33 Portal - The Secret Code from English magician John Dee and Argentina , book by our colleague and friend Julio Vidal, who was interviewed by the author at the time, and which ask permission to quote this chapter, exclusively for readers of the blog.
Here we see how the idea of \u200b\u200ban undeclared war and kept secret, is the axis that seems to support these strange occurrences, defying all logic at times possible.

I could not forget, despite the time elapsed, that noon of September 1993 in Chilecito pediatric hospital, while returning from attending a newborn during childbirth, I was called urgently to address six teenagers aged between 13 and 14 who had been stung by wasps called African.
The picture was impressive, the six were crying, desperate, rolling on the floor, with clear signs of allergic reactions, edematous (swollen), respiratory distress, three of them seriously, with the addition of widespread shock All nurses and their families. Faced with this situation so sudden and so many seriously ill patients at once, especially in a small hospital for that then attended the infant population of 7000 patients per year, just had to apply a few doses of adrenaline to the three who had their lives jeopardized by the dangerous glottis edema (swelling of the glottis, the upper air through the trachea), which not improved by the action of adrenaline, I would require a tracheostomy to everyone, to save the lives of all of the three most seriously ill patients.
Thankfully, the three made immediate effect the therapeutic action of adrenaline, and so saved the lives of those boys, who were hospitalized for observation, until the day Next on my watch. Among them were the children of two co-workers, medical assistants. For information on other medical colleague and was aware that one of those partners had happened years ago a strange fact related to UFOs. That night he was boarding his son, was the opportunity to ask about its history, and so told me he remembered what happened back in 1979. Eloisa N. is a professional medical assistant, working in health services in Chili, La Rioja province for more than 20 years and this is his story:
was the month of July 1979, was pregnant six months of my first child (coincidentally one of my patients stung by wasps, 14), and I was to travel from the bus station in the city of Córdoba to Chili (the second largest city in the province of Rioja). At that time, the only company to make this trip came at 22.00 and arrived in Cordoba at 06.00 am at the destination.
was the month of July 1979, was pregnant six months of my first child (coincidentally one of my patients stung by wasps, 14), and I was to travel from the bus station in the city of Córdoba to Chili (the second largest city in the province of Rioja). At that time, the only company to make this trip came at 22.00 and arrived in Cordoba at 06.00 am at the destination.
In the moments before the approach of the group, I always had the feeling of being watched by someone and could not discern who it might be. A few moments before getting on the bus, I saw a tall, dark-skinned, roasted unusually for the time (winter), with white hair combed back, dressed in immaculate black suit, which I watched with undisguised lust and also looked to travel on the same car as me. I positioned myself in my seat beside the window (numbered). The space was empty and the next moment he began to move the bus, at the foot of the vacant seat was the man in black suit, who kindly asked me if I bothered to take the place next to mine.
doubt and fear among accepted to sit next to me. Would last about ten minutes when suddenly without any prior dialogue I asked a question that surprised me:
What are your thoughts transmission?
By listening to his strange question, I did not know what to say at first, then hesitantly replied,
must be true that there is a transmission of thoughts. I immediately said Think of a word.
As I was on the side of the window, though it was night by the light of the full moon I could see some cows in the field, the roadside, before moving by Carlos Paz.
You thought I said the word cow immediately.
At that moment I began to have more fear, what the strange man said: Do not be afraid, everything is energy, look ... "while resting the palm of his right hand on the seat back the previous row.
immediately withdrew, leaving a bright fluorescent reflected in the gloom overhanging the place with the shape and contour of your hand, which persisted for a couple of minutes. At that moment my Anxiety and fear were mounting. Then, inexplicably I felt reassured and began to have a smooth conversation that lasted almost all night-long journey.
touched on the themes, most do not remember now, but it was a pleasant conversation, I remember being told about the operation of the ultrasound equipment that I had bought in Cordoba and that was on that trip without I had told him he was in a package on the trunk. He shot my age and name of the perfume he wore that night. He talked about the energy that emanates from the pyramids, those measures scale of the pyramid of Cheops. He also explained about the properties healing colors, especially orange color, among other topics that we currently do not remember.
From what I have not forgotten is that to be coming to Chili, I asked if he believed in the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life could exist I told him, then said that there is a war between white fraternity men and black men, but made no reference to which side he belonged and never told me her name and said if I do not remember.
The following is what I never forgot the story of Heloise:
I know nothing of geographical coordinates or portals, but what he told me that time, even today I can not forget and do not know why, I think they're easy to remember these two numbers, I repeat to you just as I told him: Believe me or not, this evening at 22.30 will be able to see a fleet of five ships will move from southeast to northwest, coming from the portal of the meridian 66 parallel 33, so I invite you to observe, leave the yard your home and look at the sky ...
The following is what I never forgot the story of Heloise:
I know nothing of geographical coordinates or portals, but what he told me that time, even today I can not forget and do not know why, I think they're easy to remember these two numbers, I repeat to you just as I told him: Believe me or not, this evening at 22.30 will be able to see a fleet of five ships will move from southeast to northwest, coming from the portal of the meridian 66 parallel 33, so I invite you to observe, leave the yard your home and look at the sky ...
Once he finished telling me these words, we were arriving at the terminal Chili, was six in the morning, he dismissed me with a handshake, the group fell, apparently no luggage, and lost in the street La Plata, heading up towards the west. Descending, I waited for my husband, I told him quickly as I could what happened to me. My husband wanted to know or at least see what this man.
already in the car, we took several laps around the terminal and could not come up with the strange character, though in Chili, at that time and those hours, there were few passers-by the streets were easy to locate, but we could not find it, we could not observe any taxi or private vehicle in the area. Not forgetting his last words that night at 22.30, I have to confess, I did not dare to leave the yard, I was afraid .... But my husband did come out at the appointed time and was able to observe five points of light like stars, one in front and four behind, arranged in a V, in southeast-northwest, in perfect formation, moving slowly without broadcast or hear any sound, disappearing behind the hill Famatina (hill of 6800 m, located in the foothills of the Andes, west of the town of Chili).
Heloise's life continued peacefully without any change, and since that time has never seen or know anything about this strange man dressed in black (or contacted?). The original draft of this book contained the story and one story above, but we could investigate a posteriori through the most important fact that the geographical coordinates of longitude and latitude 66 33, given by the alleged man in black, opened an unanticipated and unexpected range of information, and that surprised us and continues to surprise us at all times, we hope that our readers also produces natural and human feeling to a story as real as magic in mysterious secrets of Time: space around us, sometimes imperceptibly and invisibly.
Heloise's life continued peacefully without any change, and since that time has never seen or know anything about this strange man dressed in black (or contacted?). The original draft of this book contained the story and one story above, but we could investigate a posteriori through the most important fact that the geographical coordinates of longitude and latitude 66 33, given by the alleged man in black, opened an unanticipated and unexpected range of information, and that surprised us and continues to surprise us at all times, we hope that our readers also produces natural and human feeling to a story as real as magic in mysterious secrets of Time: space around us, sometimes imperceptibly and invisibly.
The apparent simplicity of this story almost a story with an air of mystery, it would have gone unnoticed, directly to oblivion, but a detail in the last words of the man dressed in black before saying goodbye to Heloise, were resonating in my mind and my ears as a key: (66. / 33) come from the portal Meridian 66, parallel 33 to connect seemingly isolated events in different places and time, presenting a seamless connection with a clear frequency, along a geographical band 400 km wide along the meridian 66 West (from 64 to 68) having one of the largest caseloads in the past 30 years, UFO sightings, close encounters of the third kind and first experiences related to the knowledge of places under the earth's surface in these regions along the Cordillera de los Andes. And most disturbing and revealing story is his relationship with the geographic point mentioned by the man in black of course located exactly at the intersection of meridian 66 (West) and parallel 33 (South). After twelve years of hearing this story and really unexpected momentum, I began to delve into our country maps on the location of the point, and everything comes, after all this time I could find and locate the place. Maybe in the moments before this discovery had not reached the timing of his revelation, arcane mysterious about the use of time by the hidden intelligence that pulls the strings of our reality, or what we call fate. First
disclosure or discovery
The location of the meridian 66 West Portal, parallel 33 south, corresponds exactly to the place called La Florida, in the province of San Luis (Argentina), which took place in the year 1978 a close encounter of the third kind. There came the fall of a ship and its crew short walk to six qualified witnesses. In this story we will review and discuss in detail, since this is the first close encounter of the third type reported (unique in the world) to the authorities Argentine police, adequately documented and officially recognized, which also entered the scene later in the strange men in black, which would give clues about the alleged feud between them and the white brotherhood mentioned that there are other hidden reasons unknown to the common fatal. The men in black and white brotherhood somehow have their particular way of measuring forces in that war in heaven. About the crew of the ship that went down to the edge of La Florida in San Luis, we say that this was a guy with blonde hair, fair complexion, wearing a light suit, protected his face after a diving transparent glass, denoting a Greeting a peaceful message to show the palms of your hands forward, outlining further, according to witnesses, a sweet, subtle smile somehow confirming their good intentions. Coincidence or causality
apparently handlers dispense information about these events obviously routes or other reference points as the locations of the sites are based on elements permanently invisible but present, such as geographic coordinates. This story originally was to be a story of our book, but the implications that transcend both geographical areas as diverse as dam Florida and Chili, and the reference numerical mathematics and geographical UFO landing site with the walk of his crew in Florida, have caused this story a consolidation into a single point, the intersection of longitude 66 West and the parallel 33 South, a succession of unexpected and unexpected elements that have long kept hidden from public gaze and by chance of fate that has touched us in luck for this crucial time for the knowledge of mankind, disclosure to the public.
disclosure or discovery
The location of the meridian 66 West Portal, parallel 33 south, corresponds exactly to the place called La Florida, in the province of San Luis (Argentina), which took place in the year 1978 a close encounter of the third kind. There came the fall of a ship and its crew short walk to six qualified witnesses. In this story we will review and discuss in detail, since this is the first close encounter of the third type reported (unique in the world) to the authorities Argentine police, adequately documented and officially recognized, which also entered the scene later in the strange men in black, which would give clues about the alleged feud between them and the white brotherhood mentioned that there are other hidden reasons unknown to the common fatal. The men in black and white brotherhood somehow have their particular way of measuring forces in that war in heaven. About the crew of the ship that went down to the edge of La Florida in San Luis, we say that this was a guy with blonde hair, fair complexion, wearing a light suit, protected his face after a diving transparent glass, denoting a Greeting a peaceful message to show the palms of your hands forward, outlining further, according to witnesses, a sweet, subtle smile somehow confirming their good intentions. Coincidence or causality
apparently handlers dispense information about these events obviously routes or other reference points as the locations of the sites are based on elements permanently invisible but present, such as geographic coordinates. This story originally was to be a story of our book, but the implications that transcend both geographical areas as diverse as dam Florida and Chili, and the reference numerical mathematics and geographical UFO landing site with the walk of his crew in Florida, have caused this story a consolidation into a single point, the intersection of longitude 66 West and the parallel 33 South, a succession of unexpected and unexpected elements that have long kept hidden from public gaze and by chance of fate that has touched us in luck for this crucial time for the knowledge of mankind, disclosure to the public.
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