A turning point is a point where the x values \u200b\u200bof a continuous function passes a hollow type to another. The curve "through" the tangent. Mathematically, the second derivative of f at the inflection point is zero, or nonexistent.
In the calculation of several variables at these points are called inflection points ensilladura.
For those who do not feel like thinking
Point = Moment (Moment)
Continuous Function = Life
emotional state
Concavity =
Tangent = The line that marks where things should go if nothing changes. Derivative
second = Self-confidence (certainty about the future).
calculation of several complex variables = On a day to day. Points
ensilladura = moments of reflection.
Not long ago (or little) to my inbox I get an email from a kind of learned a long time ago, so I let her know via email and almost 3 years later get an answer to thank my words but above all to flourish in my mind thoughts that disappeared in the monotony that has been my life lately. Seems to be the right time or perhaps the time when most needed one day return reflections halfway stop. And that is my current point of inflection, dusting the odd book, the occasional website, and especially the great absence of a time until this part: my old guitar.
Those who know me well know in what direction will my reflections and meditations.
Another time I speak to you about the type of mail and I will keep you posted on my progress, until then a preview:
worries me anything you leave with peace and strength
Going with you all every morning is expected
is new
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