Lately I'm finding every extreme crap if I do not know if it orbits a different planet if I move from country to undergo an operation of flattening of the head or simply cease any brain activity ...
Let me explain. What calculations or business gives a person the right to play with the feelings of another?, What the hell we've come to the same people who decide to leave on the shelf of broken dolls, jump in your bed to wake up from the best dreams?.
Unreason come to delve into the wound seems to be popular. While I'm tempted every day to touch with my own finger in front of my friends in front of my wishes, in front of the mirror.
Luckily rescue and redeem even a fond memory of these days: the brunette with boyfriend and bike to chat in the park, the more dirty table in the cafeteria (which in turn brighter than any in which I have sitting), the other dark, throwing the sexiest eyes I've seen, which did not mind away with me to see my heart mourn ...
Hope to hear appreciate this gesture of people so great. I hope you read this and understand it. I hope to be so clever that each recognize between the lines. Anyway, here are making me laugh and throwing, from time to time a lifeline that allows me to stay afloat another day ...
Asshole people, dammit!
PS Marion, and know your name. I also read in those beautiful eyes. On Monday I'll go for you ...
PPD: Lola, I promised something pink. I forgive others.
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