Leonardo Torres-Quevedo (Madrid, 1936) has been Director General of Railway Infrastructure Manager, Inspector General at the Ministry of Development and has been closely linked to the construction of the Madrid-Barcelona.
Asked by the media about the problems of some public works, such as the high speed in Catalonia, Leonardo Torres Quevedo said "We are working very well in civil engineering in Spain. In the last fifteen years the various governments of the nation have given a strong boost to public works and highways are recent, such as the Cantabrian and León, which are better than European motorways. Another issue is to end the high-speed network. What the politicians can not is mark time of completion of works, because what is being done with high speed in Spain is a job for the next hundred years. Where is the AVE is leaving the aircraft as a means of transport. I do not know when will the AVE to Barcelona in service, but that's not important, what matters is that the work is forever. "Leonardo Torres Quevedo
considers that some of the problems occurred with the AVE to Barcelona come from the lack information society, "the engineers and politicians should have informed most people who are the beneficiaries of these works. When you have opened the AVE, everyone will be happy and nobody will remember of the inconvenience, but you can not put politics since completion dates leading up working on a way that is not advisable. Barcelona's work is extremely complex, because there are many buildings, the floor is full of excavations which are services like water, electricity, telephone, gas ... and the floor of a part of the track is very bad because is very near the sea and the water level is very close to the surface. What is clear is that the AVE is required, and so must be joined underground by train north of Barcelona and the south, because it is not acceptable when a traveler comes to Barcelona have to change trains to reach southern the city. "
Petitions for the next government
Asked what should be the most important issues on which the next government must work in public works, Torres Quevedo said "you have to do many water treatment plants, because water is an increasingly scarce and we must improve use, end of uniting all the capital by closing all highway bypasses of towns, and above all, make plans not four years away, but make plans to serve one hundred years. Never mind that the government begin, the continued another, and finish a third, because this work is to be forever. Primarily, public works, the ruling party should agree with the opposition to achieve consensus that will allow the projects undertaken are as good as possible, without focusing on short notice.
Tuesday Placement historic bust engineer and inventor Leonardo Torres Quevedo in the Engineering Institute of Spain
presidents Association of Civil Engineers, Canales y Puertos and Engineering Institute of Spain, carried out this afternoon at 19h, the laying of a bust in the Engineering Institute of Historical engineer and inventor Leonardo Torres Quevedo, sculpted by Gonzalo Lossada and donated to the Association of Civil Engineers by Thomas Encinas. The event will take place at the Institute of Engineering Spain, C. General Arrando, 38. Speakers at the event
Luis Giménez-Cassina, President of the Institute of Engineering of Spain, Leonardo Torres Quevedo, President of the Association of Civil Engineers and the grandson of the honoree, and the engineer Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo.
Leonardo Torres Quevedo (Santa Cruz de Iguña, Santander, 1852-Madrid, 1936) In 1902 Torres Quevedo presented at the Academies of Sciences in Madrid and Paris, the draft of a new type of airship that solved the serious problem of suspension of the car to include an internal frame of flexible cables that endowed rigidity to the airship as a result of internal pressure. In 1905 he directed the construction of English dirigible ballooning in the Service of the Army. In 1907 he built the first ferry fit for public passenger transport in the Monte Ulia San Sebastian. But surely the English Aerocar in Niagara Falls which has given him the greatest fame. In 1903 Telekino Torres Quevedo presented at the Academy of Sciences of Paris, was a robot that executed commands transmitted by radio waves, was the first apparatus radiodirección the world. The presentation at the Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of the notes on the algebraic machinery was considered an extraordinary event in the course of production English scientific. In 1900 presented the report to calculate Machines at the Academy of Sciences in Paris. In them, he examines the mathematical and physical analogies that are the basis of analog computation.
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