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Jose Antonio Caravaca
race ufologist
Exclusive Interview
Deborah Goldstern ©

José Antonio Caravaca

from an early age I have been a very curious person, and everything related to strange phenomena has attracted my attention. I remember I had a folder full of newspaper clippings and photocopies of articles and books on flying saucers trying eagerly to reread again and again. All information fascinated me. Dedication to research stems from the imperative to know, to study in depth those enigmas of the speakers that made those pages and the imagination of a teenager. Apart from that, I believe that UFOs is one of the most exciting intellectual challenges to which we can face ...
One of the qualities that distinguish you as a researcher, is tracking the cases investigated. Constancia, analytical ability, and thoroughness in the analysis are a must for any student to start, precisely because of the criticism heard when it comes to discrediting to ufology, is the haste in diagnosis on the observations of these unknown aerial objects. "Coincidís?
I think the rush, in general, do not act wisely in any field of study. To the question before us is fundamental and essential tranquility, analysis and reflection in true detective style to reach fruition. In addition of course, to manage a comprehensive documentation and develop a methodical investigation that can take anywhere from months to years to materialize in a report, article, book, etc.. Therefore, it is inexcusable that the research be presented in a clear and documented much information as possible try to answer all the questions of the event, for the reader to verify that you have followed all possible ways to clarify the incident in a conventional manner before if you want to raise any kind of possibility or unorthodox hypothesis. In the same way the researcher can never be sure what is unknown or pass it off as an irrefutable certainty.
Anyway, I think they do very good research on both sides of the Atlantic, although they often make more noise and postulates the alleged sensational discoveries. However
also respect and understand that the media specialist must publish certain news with the speed that the novelty of these demands, while taking the logical reserves and prudence and not drawing major conclusions that mere exposure. In fact on many occasions to publish some stories can lead to the emergence of more vital data for research, but what is not should never fall into the deception or manipulation of information. In this sense, for example, the three trade magazines, working in Spain they do with paper.

UFO Landing Los Villares is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing and interesting that I had the opportunity to investigate. Apart from the testimonial evidence of its main character, Dionisio Avila, we could examine different physical tests which validate his extraordinary story. The areas of alleged landings offer much information about what could happen there, from a depopulation of vegetation first, that in subsequent years has shown a dramatic change, to dehydration and freezing on some items natural environment of the second site.
But perhaps the turning point of the incident was the discovery that the strange stone engravings, the witness said he had received no less enigmatic for a humanoid, the famous lucerillo, containing entries very similar to those of an ancient language used by the nomads of the desert in Algeria. Thanks to the efforts of a good friend, Iker Jiménez, met in the famous Henry Lothe rubbings made in Tassili, where among other mysterious cave paintings found which represents the so-called Great God Marciano known to all, there were characters and symbols that could be indisputable proof the existence of a forgotten past and writing used by our ancestors in very distant date, that we could climb up to 12,000 years ago. How you can find this same script in a UFO landing occurred in the twentieth century? ... Perhaps if some headway on the translation of these writings could find many answers to those recorded amazing creatures and objects representing disconcerting with daily images of wildlife and game reflected with accuracy and beauty never cease to awe.
most irritating thing about this is that after so many decades even, officially from the Museum of Man in Paris, no authority has been expressed clearly the existence of this script, much less on the possible content of them.
addition, the route of translation lucerillo himself is an enigma in itself, in a small stone so many riddles focus began to clear up such as tools used for implementation, ranging from a fine "punch" to circular pieces that have scratched the surface with great skill, also leaving, the unknown author, some almost imperceptible marks and signs quite curious and striking. Naturally
investigations into the case of Villares not been completed and despite more than 15 years are still many surprises in the pipeline and hopefully in the future we can still realize some of the most intriguing aspects of the case. We are working ...
visited South America during 2010, one of your points in the city of Cuzco, Peru, where some of the most enigmatic ruins of the planet. Well as in Egypt, the classic argument for creating some of the Andean monuments, continues to divide the experts still do not rule on the form of construction used by ancient architects. It speaks of a highly developed technology, superior even today. Did you develop an opinion on the buildings observed?
One I can not but be impressed by the magnitude and magnificence of certain works produced in ancient times. In the wonderful Cuzco, visit highly recommend it to all lovers of mystery, it is evident that the builders were custodians of a special knowledge that allowed them to draw walls and buildings with a unique, incomparable refinement and solidity. In fact many of these monuments stand the test of years, and even earthquakes with a boldness that even our modern science is able to understand, although the architects of these wonders dispensed proud of using any type of mortar for joining the blocks. The art and science required to assemble, to perfection, thousands of blocks to which more colorful and elaborate, filled with impossible angles, not counting the enormous weight of many of them as we saw in the impressive fortress of Sacsayhuaman, merely draw an aura of mystery around the origin and nature of such glaring civilization that managed to cast a stone at will as if it were clay.

Undoubtedly the great Jules Verne still hides many secrets in his books. In his novel Robur the Conqueror reflected Gallic writer with a staggering precision, almost surgical, the extraordinary events that were to occur in the United States. Camouflaged his story lines we can draw many "Predictions" about the strange sightings of flying machines that flew over several U.S. states between 1896 and 1897 causing the astonishment of all who saw them. So astonishing was this prediction that cities and behaviors of these erratic and bizarre artifacts and their crews, perplexing aspect of nineteenth century were described in detail previously by Verne in his book. One of the most important meetings of this wave, which occurred on Sacramento in 1896, where a mysterious airship with several bright lights were seen by a crowd, is referred to by the Frenchman with such extraordinary prescience, that is able to name in the pages of Robur the Conqueror, 10 years before the events, the city where the monument would happen and when, with startling accuracy. Even the concern of the press at the time by those impossible visions was presaged by Verne in his letter in a repeating transparent holders. And explained that the date of publication of Robur the Conqueror, a decade later coincided with the start day of that wave ...

No aspect of the UFO phenomenon may be neglected or ignored if the aim is to clarify the nature of the puzzle in its entirety. And I sincerely believe that many incidents are framed in this phenomenology credible. But what is clear is that the scene of the contacts is full of information crazy, absurd and farcical. While on the other hand, as I say, rigorous analysis of certain episodes can induce us to further knowledge of the intricacies of a reality entirely internal unknown and linked to the appearance of strange aircraft in the skies. Occurs both as to the issue of abductions, is now a paradigm as large and full of contradictions to be able to distinguish fraud, mistakes and misinterpretations, obtained under hypnosis conducted poorly, for genuine cases. Furthermore, the puzzle is compounded when it became apparent disturbing parallels between alien abduction and alleged contacts with "space brothers above, which do not confirm whether the complexity of the study of UFOs, since the minds, whatever their origin, that control these events are hiding in deception, manipulation and all in hiding their true intentions to carry out their appearances.

need not be a seer to know that we are living a terribly troubled and uncertain times, and therefore certain soothsayers pretend to see in these signs of drastic changes foreshadowing of the dreaded end of the world supposedly announced by the Maya to 2012. Personally I do not think so, and would be more in line with an end of cycle time computation in another evil and deadly circumstances. Keep in mind that everything in life is cyclical and periods of calm are preceded in turn by more scrambled and busy times, come on, that despite the seriousness of some issues that surround us, but not be of comfort, no There is nothing new under the sun ...
Perhaps one of the largest awards and honors you as a researcher, is to have the friendship of one of the most important references on the subject, the great Juan Benítez. Do not know if it's right to use the word patronage, but I somehow feel that your case is correct. Do you feel a continuation of his work?
Well, that is too big and I appreciate your opinion. Juan is a good friend and a benchmark for all who are dedicated to the study of UFOs. His work over the last 4 decades is unbeatable and unrepeatable, and thanks to his vast contribution informative English UFO cases has a superb file. I had the great fortune to share a lot of research and especially the many hours of gathering that has enriched me greatly given their extensive experience. On occasion, made some reference to the relay, I think more on the emotional than any other facet of his impressive career as a researcher and writer of success. The passion, enthusiasm and insatiable curiosity that drive Juanjo, is the only witness that I can take the teacher ...

There are many critical voices against the alleged achievements and exploits of the Exopolitics which incidentally is always surrounded by controversy. I think that mix concepts, research and information in a chaotic and without much control and rigor, leading to the assimilation of their alleged discovery by the public and the media is not the most appropriate. Although I hope to make any significant contribution because, supposedly moving to high levels ... will have to wait.

To begin with patience, there is much to read and much to learn before we leap to the investigation.
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