Deborah Goldstern

Billy Meier
These days I received the news of the death of Wendell Stevens, who in life was one of the staunchest defenders of Swiss contacted controversial case of Billy Meier. I had a chance to meet Stevens in person during his last visit to Argentina, and I talk about some issues, including that of Billy Meier and personal research that this military issue devoted to the always enigmatic Tayos.
During this exchange and to consult on whether Meier still held contact with the Pleiadians, Stevens nodded affirmatively, noting that these "contacts were no longer produced in the famous Swiss countryside, but the visits were in the bedroom of Meir, the I reaffirmed the presumption that I've been holding on a control system that works not only on earth but throughout the solar system. Of course, when I spoke to Stevens about the possibility my thoughts were still not as delineated as now, and would spend time before you start stating these assumptions currently crystallized Underground Chronicle.
In the history of ufology for Billy Meir was quickly dismissed, struck by a large majority of scholars as an elaborate fraud and that it was not worth further investigation. In my view although there are some points that if they confirm the deception can not be entirely ruled Meier's experience, especially to review some points of the Swiss experience, focusing on his childhood, that I personally consider intriguing and worthy of attention.
To illustrate to the reader and control support our thesis, we chose a passage from one of the few materials published in English on the topic, entitled "Light Years: An investigation into extraterrestrial experiences of Eduard Meier, the American researcher Gary Kinder, and again we see the shadow of our "unknown superiors."

Back at the farmhouse kitchen, Meier did not hesitate to tell Stevens the long history of involvement with the Pleiadians, which had begun in his childhood. He said his first sighting of an alien spacecraft took place one morning when he was just five years.
was in 1942. I was with my father, "said Meier," and I was behind the house under a walnut tree in midsummer. When I saw the ship fly, I thought it strange. Only appeared in our world, but somehow she felt that it was familiar to me. Fell from the sky to the tower of the church, then headed towards us and then away to the west. It was fast, very fast. I watched all this for a minute and a half maybe, and he walked away toward the West, it took only seconds.
-Dad, what has happened here? But his father only replied:
"It's a secret weapon of Adolph Hitler.
"I was thinking it could not be true," said Meier-
, there was something else. I do not know if my father noticed what he saw, because it was more concerned with that case. But I started to watch the sky, day and night.
Stevens told Meier that went two months before returning to see the silver frisbee, this time slow down to a field where he was playing alone. But as the disc approached the height of the grass, suddenly, without a sound, vanished. After a few moments drive away, something "like a voice" rose inside her head accompanied by a figure or figures vivid in his mind, then the voice spoke to him once a day. Was required to answer and seek answers for yourself.
"At first, did not receive complete words or phrases," said Stevens. It was like images. Over time these images were converted into words and phrases. Once I tried to play one of these symbols, but I was not able to.
Disturbed by the voice and the images they had 'in his head, spoke with Parson Meier Zimmermann, the Protestant minister of the people, about the great Frisbee had seen, and the voice that entered his head shortly after . Zimmermann had a reputation in the village of being a lover of mysticism and to be more liberal in their thinking than most of his parishioners.
Parson knew
-Zimmermann, "said Meier. It was the family priest, and I used to play with their children. Another reason was to see was that although I was a poor boy, I had heard that addressed issues mystics. I told him the experience had with my father and heard voices inside me, telepathic calls. So I went to him because I thought I was going crazy. I used to go after school because he was not far from it. He said he knew things about those flying objects, the time was not yet called them UFOs, and that it was not a new thing for him. The people who flew in them came from another world, not Earth. He told me he understood, but could not say anything ..
was a priest and that would shock people. He asked me to try to learn telepathy to provide appropriate responses. For 10 well, I tried to do 10 they told me. After a few weeks it worked, and was able to respond. I remember very well that Father Zimmermann told me not to talk about this with anyone, because, otherwise, everyone would say I was crazy.
"The first reaction from the other side," he went was like a gentle smile and fine, I heard on Top 10 depths of me, and I felt comfortable and relaxed. I still hear that laugh, but I can not define it. It was a very loving laughter.
then contact faded once more, and Meier and heard voices or became aware of the existence of images. Suddenly, all was silent again.
On February 3, 1944, when Meier was seven, a new voice, low and clear, came into your conscious mind, 'and ordered me to learn and pick up the knowledge they passed me, "Meier feared that the clarity of new voice that had significantly which had finally succumbed to the madness.
"My fear was that, as a boy, lacked any experience of telepathic affair. Again I went to Parson 10 Zimmermann to tell what was happening. He told me little by little I understood. That voice was clear and serious Meier heard belonged to a creature called Sfath, whose techniques continued transmission of thought frequently during the summer of 1944. Then one day in September, while Meier was alone in a meadow, suddenly announced Sfath telepathically, and told the guy that I should wait there and not be afraid.

told Meier that would only continue as his spiritual mentor during the first years of the fifties, when a much higher proportion of life would be responsible for subsequent lessons. Meier had been selected for a mission, but Sfath revealed that would be decades before the boy knows his nature. Until that time arrived, Meier should be prepared to deal with many things, some of which would once again questioned his sanity, and others that could potentially produce physical damage. After four hours Sfath Meier took her back to the meadow and then departed. The boy is not seen again. For many years thereafter, continued to transmit thoughts Meier, preparing, it seemed, for the next step in their spiritual evolution. Then, on February 3, 1953, when Meier and was sixteen, voice Sfath forever ceased echoing in his mind.
several months passed before the silence was broken again saw a new voice, a present and I talked to him. Unlike the smooth and harmonious tone Sfath, the new voice sounded young and fresh, full of strength. Asket called.
Asket came from the DAL Universe.
"is unfamiliar to your world-Meier lectured," but our universe is parallel to yours. Counting your time is in same plane. Many of the universe is in flat space-time and completely unknown to you. Because of technological development, the barrier can be opened from our universe to yours. "
Meier counted twelve when he spent eight months in a tuberculosis sanatorium, and at fourteen the juvenile court ordered him to do Albisbrunn correctional constantly steers. There. spent three years before the authorities returned him to his parents, and left school without completing primary education. Working age and had various jobs, from installing sewer pipes to milk cows. On one occasion, with several other young was arrested by police for theft and sent to the remand of Aarburg, where he joined the Foreign Legion, French, deserted a few months after completing the investigation and returned to Switzerland, to the detention center. Stevens told him that after his teenage years, reformatory and performance of rare trades, Asket encouraged him to venture into the world to explore and learn things. Inspired by these teachings telepathic and its consolidation, Meier explained that began its first trip to the Middle East in 1958.
He told me I was out there for myself and saw what was really "counted - because there is a connection to past lives. The most important places were Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jordan. Were important back East Pakistan, the foothills of the Himalayas and India, especially Delhi and Mehrauli. I should add also Turkey. All this had a connection with Emmanuel was his path and where he lived. It told me to make contact with certain people, some of which I expected, as they were already informed. In Mehrauli learned the Buddha's teachings and philosophy by a Buddhist monk.
spent weeks and even months without contact with Asket. Then suddenly his voice came to be inside his mind, indicating that he wished to convey information.
"Do you have time?" He asked.
Most of the time said yes, because his statement was more important than anything else. And if yes, she continued:
"Want to go to this place tomorrow and see with these people?" Or, "I want to go there and you to deal with this." Or: "I want you to that site and learn this. "
" It's something very normal, "she told Stevens. It's like if you call me and tell me: 'Billy, do you have time to do such a thing? "For it is the same. Meier
considered that busy as a part of the mission entrusted to him as a boy. Was 'instructive', he explained to Stevens, "was known to man, the soul of man, human life, the history of knowledge." Also had to learn things about nature.
"You learn a lot from nature - he said -. Observe the plants and animals, everything that exists, how it comes to life, how he dies, how they can live together. That's how I learned the laws and commandments of nature. The laws and commandments of nature are the same as the laws and commandments of Creation. Creation is not a separate power creation is everywhere.
By visiting many sites, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and then through Kuwait, Iran, to East Pakistan and finally India, Meier had traveled "by land, cars, hitchhiking , bus, train and boat. " Found work as a snake hunter and gardener, drove trucks loaded with nitroglycerin, sang in the streets, served tables, raised pigs, passed by a veterinarian, was a coach, he worked as a nurse, picked grapes, designed jewelry, staged puppet shows, raised hens and taught German, all as told Stevens, under the tutelage of Asket. During his travels he earned the nickname Billy, as a result of his love for the American West and popular heroes such as Billy the Kid, Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok. Meier
While wandering from country to country, from job to job, continuing the teachings telepathic Asket started by Sfath, imparting great spiritual knowledge. He said:
"I have chosen as a genuine bidder, like many others in earlier times before you. Have more knowledge than any other earthly being of your time. And because of this, you will be under the control and protection of certain forms of life that protect, guide, lead and form. This implies a law of creation that can not be disobeyed in any way, since the real bidders are not called for its mission at a certain age, they are already used to it from the moment of procreation. Such a life can be difficult, because the chosen creature must perceive some extraordinary things.
Near the coastal town of Iskenderun, Turkey, on August 3, 1965, travel to the Middle East, Meier was a passenger in an old bus when it collided with another, leaving it for a window. The accident severed her left arm just above the elbow. Told Stevens was left for dead on the side of the road and lay unconscious for several hours until a doctor came by accident, he inspected in search of vital signs and sent him to a local hospital. He was hospitalized for two weeks and when he felt well enough to travel again, he began traveling to Greece, where he stayed in a hotel in Thessaloniki, selling shirts "in German, with my hand, my eyes, my mouth, with my feet with a pencil and paper. " At a Christmas party that year, he met a Greek girl of seventeen named Kaliope Zafireou.
found in India in 1964, was permitted to photograph Asket their spaceship on the outskirts of Mehrauli. In the photo, the device has a clear disk-shaped top and a small dome, but beyond that no further details. Meier still had the photo and showed it to Stevens.
That year, Asket as Sfath before she left him. In his final touch, he was informed that, in their own interest, like that of his new contacts, should be "monitored" during the next eleven years. At the end of this time, if they made sure he had achieved the appropriate spiritual plane to have a face to face, the new beings will reveal their presence.
"Your ancestors came of the constellation Lyra, Asket told, "and when you are mature enough to hear the new teachings concerning these issues, get the answers of the descendants of your own ancestors. The eternal truth always remains the eternal truth. And thus ended the story Meier about his encounters with youth.
Wendell Stevens had at the time of his death with an impressive resume. "Retired Air Force in 1963, after twenty-three years of active service, with more than four thousand hours of flight and to permit" top secret. " Graduate School of Army Air Corps for pilot training at the age of twenty Stevens was appointed development officer for fighter aircraft "P-47", and during the Second World War, was in command an aircraft maintenance squadron, participating only in limited fighting in the Pacific.
After the war, the Air Force assigned him to the Center of the Air Technical Intelligence at Wright Field, where he reviewed thousands of documents and drawings of Advanced Aerospace which took over the Americans when the Germans left their factories and centers aircraft designs. "
Long before 1947, Stevens known as UFO encounters of pilots, leading to interrogate and investigate hundreds of cases. This interest led to Steven became an authority on UFO, reaching a count of more numerous libraries in the area, about 700 titles, not to mention the impressive photographic material, more than 3000 outlets throughout the world. Their meeting in 1976 with Billy Meier changed his life forever, and took a skeptical position from the start, convinced of the veracity of the Swiss.
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