-Florentino Santos (Professor of works and land use Water) criticized the lack of foresight and volume of water stored in Spain
-Luis Marceñido (Director General Logistics FCC) argued that the Water Boards should be above the Autonomous Communities
-Angel Guerrero (expert in fluid mechanics) discussed ways to protect natural spaces and tables Ruidera Coldstream.
"It was generally agreed that the English political system and the autonomous communities have created a water ungoverned.
has been presented in Madrid on course, "Status of water governance in Spain in view of the Water Framework Directive, copn participation Florentino Santos, Luis and Angel Guerrero Marceñido. This year we return to one of the recurring themes of our courses: Water, in an atypical year because of the abundance of this element and the economic crisis. Water planning should be medium to long term, both the supply side (infrastructure) and demand (irrigation and water use), so it is always advisable to devote the surplus times the task of plan, without the social and political pressure generated by the periodic lack of water. Spain should implement the Water Framework Directive. Now, five years after the deadline for compliance, to assess achievements and anticipate the challenges we face in controlling one of the main elements of our ecosistemas.Florentino Santos (Professor of Water works and land use) stated the present the course "The situation created by the autonomous communities is alarming. From Europe, the Water Framework Directive defines the watershed as the water management unit can not be separated for political reasons. We can not break a watershed because it is divided among several communities. With the Autonomous Communities that is produced is an ungoverned water. And that is something that Spain, with serious water problems, you can not afford. "Santos said that" Spain should make a sustainable management of water use, which should be used taking into account the integrated management of all funding sources both impounded waters, groundwater, desalinated and reused water. We plan all the resources. It is as true of the economic crisis, we can not squander. Although this year we have plenty of water to know that the following will not be so. This year the reservoirs are at 90%, aquifers have recovered, would have been desirable to have done more storage capacity to hold much more water. I say no more dams, but storage capacity. Increasing that capacity is something that we need to plan medium and long term. Spain have only hectometres 50000 dammed. "To understand the importance of this data and predict the drought, we must remember that Madrid used hectometres 600 of water Marceñido año.Luis said that "in the course we will see what Spain can do to ensure that water quality are required by the Framework Directive. We'll have to make a great effort. Count on the Ministry's point of view, the Canal de Isabel II and the Water Boards. It is important to harmonize the work of the Autonomous Communities and the Water Boards, which must be above the Communities for good water governance and water is a good all with a rational and non-political. " Angel Guerrero will explain the status of wetlands of La Mancha, "these lakes are Daimiel Tables experiencing an exceptional year of rainfall and snowfall in December and January, which has allowed him Amarguillos rivers, Cigüela, Záncara, Guadiana and Azuer exist in reality and not just on the plans. In fact we are moving the consciousness of La Mancha to think about how to preserve these natural areas, whether regular visitation or keeping the retention of surface runoff during periods of low rainfall. The latter is complicated. Another example is the regulation of groundwater, which has operated for centuries, see the eyes of the Guadiana, which stopped working in the 80's, since the exploitation of aquifers lso 23 and 24 gave rise to the water table reached down over 100 meters. This course aims to move people's consciences so that these events are not repeated in the future. "The course will discuss topics such as current development status of the Water Framework Directive, by Marta Moreno, Director General of Water, The Medium Environment in Criminal Law by Antonio Vercher Noguera, Public Prosecutor for the Environment and Planning, the Ministry of Justice, the ungoverned water in Spain, by Luis Berga Casafont, Honorary President of the International Commission on Large Dams, managing the water quality in the Community of Madrid, by Adrian Martin Lopez de las Huertas, Director of Canal de Isabel II. o Boundaries of Sustainability in Guadiana rivers and Jucar, with leading experts. Asimisos, there will be something new, since it will discuss the responsibility of the media in a round table that will be several leading journalists specializing in environmental issues.
This summer course will take place from 5 to 9 July in Madrid, at the Institute of Engineering, c / General Arrando n º 38.
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