another year, the Foundation Engineering and Society provides a thorough analysis and public discussion of two of the issues disturbing in this century: water and energy, both subjects are closely related, concern and worry
scientists and engineers around the world, as water and energy depend to a large extent, the quality of life and even The survival of mankind.
scientists and engineers around the world, as water and energy depend to a large extent, the quality of life and even The survival of mankind.
Availability universal water and sustainable energy, high-quality and affordable cost, is a major global challenge that must be addressed quickly, with ambition and generosity. With all the means at our disposal.
In this mode and called urgent care, far-reaching events come together this year: Expo Zaragoza 2008 , dedicated exclusively to water and sustainable development and the conclusion, at the request of the UN General Assembly of International Year of Planet Earth and the International Year of Sanitation, to try to halt the degradation of ecosystems and ensure access the world's population to safe water and basic sanitation.
In this mode and called urgent care, far-reaching events come together this year: Expo Zaragoza 2008 , dedicated exclusively to water and sustainable development and the conclusion, at the request of the UN General Assembly of International Year of Planet Earth and the International Year of Sanitation, to try to halt the degradation of ecosystems and ensure access the world's population to safe water and basic sanitation.
This course of Engineering and Society Foundation brings together renowned experts to open to the public debate should not ignore.
addition, the Foundation Engineering and Society, along with Geological Survey of Spain under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, pay tribute to Don Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo in the International Year of Planet Earth and publicly acknowledge their valuable contribution to science and technology in this area, as professor Geology Applied to Public Works at the School of Engineers of the UPM and as an outstanding professional, and activist-in favor of a more prosperous, secure and healthy.
The course syllabus is as follows:
MONDAY, JULY 7. The great global challenges
Madrid. Engineering Institute of Spain. C / General Arrando h No 38 17.00 17.30
global challenges, international initiatives. Cooperation and development. Carlos Fernández Jáuregui. Director of the Office of the United Nations to support the International Decade for Action " Water for Life 2005-2015. 18.30
water and energy in a context of rapid climate change. Domingo Gómez
. Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning. Agronomists ETS, UPM, Madrid. 19.30
Tribute to Don Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF PLANET
Cristina Garmendia, Minister of Science and Innovation
Miguel Aguilo. President of the Engineering Foundation and Society.
José Pedro Calvo. Director General of IGME.
Salvador Ordóñez. Rector of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.
Florentino Santos. Dean of the Demarcation Madrid College of ICC and P. Leonardo Torres-Quevedo
. President of the ICC and P. Association
be offered a glass of English wine.
11.00 Visit Hydraulics Laboratory of the Centre for Hydrographic Studies of CEDEX. Panorama 17.30
scenarios and challenges facing shortages. Implications for planning and resource management. Federico Estrada. Director of Studies of Water and Environment (CEDEX).
18.30 Effects of climate change on resource quality and ecosystem health. Risks and natural disasters. Juan Manuel Ruiz. Director of the Center for Hidrográ_ cos (CEDEX). 19.30
economic approaches. Josefina Maestu. Coordinator of Economic Analysis of the DMA-Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. 20.30
day symposium.
11.00 Visit to TJ II, Great Installation CIEMAT Fusion Science. 17.30
Synergies and Sun Water desalination, debug and decontaminate. Julian White, researcher at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria, European Award for Innovation 2004. 18.30
approaches innovative renewable energy development. Manuel Menendez. Technical Director Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. 19.30
Energy in the City. Maria Luisa Delgado. Coordination Deputy Director General of the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation, Ministry of Science and Innovation. 20.30
day symposium.
Juves, July 10
Departure from Madrid. Visit EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008. Sástago Palace
C / Coso, No. 44
19.00 Fusion as a sustainable energy source. Carlos Alejaldre
Losi, Deputy Director General
ITER-Cadarache, France.
Visit to Central Flowing to The Berbel (DHS).
Visit the Imperial Canal of Aragon (Ebro River Basin.) Visit
Photovoltaic Power Plant in Tudela (ACCIONA SOLAR).
addition, the Foundation Engineering and Society, along with Geological Survey of Spain under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, pay tribute to Don Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo in the International Year of Planet Earth and publicly acknowledge their valuable contribution to science and technology in this area, as professor Geology Applied to Public Works at the School of Engineers of the UPM and as an outstanding professional, and activist-in favor of a more prosperous, secure and healthy.
The course syllabus is as follows:
MONDAY, JULY 7. The great global challenges
Madrid. Engineering Institute of Spain. C / General Arrando h No 38 17.00 17.30
global challenges, international initiatives. Cooperation and development. Carlos Fernández Jáuregui. Director of the Office of the United Nations to support the International Decade for Action " Water for Life 2005-2015. 18.30
water and energy in a context of rapid climate change. Domingo Gómez
. Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning. Agronomists ETS, UPM, Madrid. 19.30
Tribute to Don Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF PLANET
Cristina Garmendia, Minister of Science and Innovation
Miguel Aguilo. President of the Engineering Foundation and Society.
José Pedro Calvo. Director General of IGME.
Salvador Ordóñez. Rector of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.
Florentino Santos. Dean of the Demarcation Madrid College of ICC and P. Leonardo Torres-Quevedo
. President of the ICC and P. Association
be offered a glass of English wine.
11.00 Visit Hydraulics Laboratory of the Centre for Hydrographic Studies of CEDEX. Panorama 17.30
scenarios and challenges facing shortages. Implications for planning and resource management. Federico Estrada. Director of Studies of Water and Environment (CEDEX).
18.30 Effects of climate change on resource quality and ecosystem health. Risks and natural disasters. Juan Manuel Ruiz. Director of the Center for Hidrográ_ cos (CEDEX). 19.30
economic approaches. Josefina Maestu. Coordinator of Economic Analysis of the DMA-Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. 20.30
day symposium.
11.00 Visit to TJ II, Great Installation CIEMAT Fusion Science. 17.30
Synergies and Sun Water desalination, debug and decontaminate. Julian White, researcher at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria, European Award for Innovation 2004. 18.30
approaches innovative renewable energy development. Manuel Menendez. Technical Director Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. 19.30
Energy in the City. Maria Luisa Delgado. Coordination Deputy Director General of the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation, Ministry of Science and Innovation. 20.30
day symposium.
Juves, July 10
Departure from Madrid. Visit EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008. Sástago Palace
C / Coso, No. 44
19.00 Fusion as a sustainable energy source. Carlos Alejaldre
Losi, Deputy Director General
ITER-Cadarache, France.
Visit to Central Flowing to The Berbel (DHS).
Visit the Imperial Canal of Aragon (Ebro River Basin.) Visit
Photovoltaic Power Plant in Tudela (ACCIONA SOLAR).
Engineering Communication and Society Foundation
Miguel Angel de Rus 666350174
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