An increase of one degree on average Spain temperature Guadiana river Segura and water resources would fall by 11%
In Asia, 675 billion people do not know what running water
Manuel Menendez, Technical Director, Office of the Secretary of State for Rural and water, reported in today's session of Course XVIII Engineering Summer Civil Engineering Foundation and Society, "the government's priority, following the Water Framework Directive is not meeting the demands, but good water status, which means the protection of biodiversity associated with surface water bodies, prevent overexploitation of groundwater, taking care to maintain water quality and ensure that each basin basin self-sufficient.
To ensure the availability and quality of water must have an economic rationalization, or what it is, a frame rate that tends to recover the costs of water, public participation and is making a strong commitment to desalination, which has a cost of 60 cents per cubic meter, while in Madrid the user is paying two euros per cubic meter of water. "
One of the accusations that have been made in desalination plants by such qualified persons as may be Ridruejo Clemente Sáenz , Who was President of the Association of Civil Engineers, is very negative impact on seagrass meadows, Menendez said that "being carried out technological improvements that minimize the impacts, such as the seagrass meadows. Another accusation is that of the high energy expenditure, which is true, but it is betting on alternative energy use, thereby getting to limit CO2 emissions. "Menendez ended saying that" Spain will achieve the goal in 2,010 to reach 12.5 percent in renewable energy in primary energy consumption for 2020 and the three objectives will be achieved marked: reduce emissions 20 percent, improving by 20 percent energy efficiency, and reach 20 percent renewable energy. "
also have expanded the information provided yesterday by Carlos Fernández Jáuregui, coordinator of the Office of the Water Decade, the UN , southern Asia is the area that suffers from a greater lack of sanitation as the 938 million people suffer, it remains in this dire statistic East Asia, where 749 million people have no sanitation, and the third zone with this deficiency is Sub-Saharan Africa, where 437 million people lack of saneamientos.La no access to drinking water is endemic throughout Asia, where 675 million people do not know what the water. In sub-Saharan Africa 288 do not have running water.
Juan Manuel Ruiz, director of the Centre for Hydrographic Studies, CEDEX showed data modeling climate change study in Spain. If the average temperature rises one degree centigrade, there would be a great variation in the pattern flowing of water in the basins of the Guadiana and Segura water resources would decrease by 11 percent, if in addition, precipitation decreased by 5 percent both basins would be most affected lose up to 25 percent of the water available in the actualidad.Ruiz showed several forecasting models, including corn, making half of the 28 models of the evolution of climatic variables up to that point, the production yields the greater part of English territory. Therefore opted for an adaptation of the plantation and how to exploit the land of the farmers in line with the new reality.
11.00 Visit to TJ II, Great Installation CIEMAT Fusion Science. 17.30
Synergies and Sun Water desalination, debug and decontaminate. Julian White, researcher at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria, European Award for Innovation 2004. 18.30
economic approaches. Josefina Maestu. Coordinator of Economic Analysis of the DMA-Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine-.20, 30 day symposium.