Article "The dumping of Ibiza and two summer courses on marine disasters" Press Agency Fax
Article "The dumping of Ibiza and two summer courses on marine disasters" (Fax Press Agency)
It was a curious coincidence that Two courses were held in Galicia, one of the UIMP and a Engineering and Society Foundation-on marine disasters, one under the title "What we learned from the Prestige?" and another on "the Costa da Morte, landscape and infrastructure" and that discharges occur in the ship Don Pedro Ibiza, after which, incidentally, the second vice president of the Defense Committee of Congress, Arsenio Fernandez de Mesa, criticized government action following the collapse and said that it is manifestly irresponsible Executive as it has not been especially sensitive to a tourist area and the mechanisms have not used enough, when there are 150 tons of fuel at sea. As in the case of the Prestige, but in reverse. Now it is the oil slick the PSOE rather than the PP. Is it about the problems of state, to make a political use of them could turn against one ... So it seems that the two summer courses Galicia have a reason. In Spain we still have serious security problems with the transportation of crude oil. 24 oil spills in Galicia has been so far this year, a factor to take into cuenta.Dado that no European government wants to ports of refuge for oil, foreign port of La Coruna may be a solution to avoid, disasters, future oil spills along the coast that should be protected. With almost two miles long and a comparable earthmoving the construction of a building like the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, but 3 and a half kilometers long, this port is one of the most important engineering works in Spain and a unique model in the world. Fifty engineers assembled by the Foundation Engineering and Society, learned firsthand the works of this port will be prepared for waves of 15 meters. Can help to avoid disasters like the Prestige or the Aegean Sea? Maybe not, but it may help minimize consecuencias.En one of these courses, the dean of the School of Engineering, La Coruña, Carlos Nardiz, stressed the importance of port infrastructure for cities "The port of Bilbao allowed to regenerate Nervión margins and construction of the Outer Harbour of La Coruña will change the face of the city, this port will create greater security for ships and also in cities such as Vigo, Coruña and Santander are used to gain ground the sea and make space for housing and public service areas. The port city do. " A port of refuge would have prevented a spill so direct in the Balearics? Maybe politicians should ask how. "Prestige in the case of the existence of an external port had escaped a possible oil slick Caión, Laguna de Baldaio, Malpica, corms, or Camariñas Camelle, to name some examples? It is a question to induce reflection. For Spain spend annually more than 10,000 ships polluting materials each year. "The security measures are sufficient? In 1970 the Norwegian tanker" Polycommander "ran aground and caught fire off the Cies Islands, spilling 13,000 tonnes of the sea, the Basque oil" Urquiola "poured into the sea some 20,000 tons of oil in 1976; In 1978 the Greek tanker "Andros Patria" spilled 47,000 tonnes of crude oil that hit the coast of Galicia and Asturias, in 1990 the Iranian oil "Avajan-2" 100 tons of oil spilled in the bay of Malaga, in the same year the freighter Cypriot "Sea Spirit" and the Norwegian ship "Hesperus" collided in the Strait of Gibraltar, the sea pouring 10,000 tons of fuel. There are many more examples. Is it a matter of such gravity to the political class to reach agreement on what to do? Technicians meet to discuss. We need to bring those gentlemen to listen to their debates.